Wapiti outdated version of python-requests [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question wapiti Wapiti-2.3.0 (wapiti.sourceforge.net) Error: You have an outdated version of python-requests. Please upgrade Answer Your python-requests module is too old, … Read more

This computer currently has no detected operating systems (no UEFI)

I am trying to install Ubuntu in a laptop with Windows 8.1, but after launching from a USB, I obtain the message “This computer currently has no detected operating systems”. I’ve seen a lot of similar problems in this forum, but all of them are solved in a similar way, as they are related with … Read more

ubuntu shows my partitions on the launcher but it cant find my hardrive while trying to install the OS

I formatted my (Hp Envy h8 PC series) into two partitions of fat32 500gb on a msdos boot table and changed my SATA emulation to AHCI. then turned off secure boot and enabled legacy support. Ubuntu sees my hard drive and puts it on the launcher and folder menu but when I start the ubuntu … Read more

Can’t login to Ubuntu server 14 after fresh install; never given chance to set password in first place [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: How do I reset a lost administrative password? (16 answers) Closed 6 years ago. I’m very new with Linux and I’m trying to set up a testing network with VMs by following this video series. I downloaded Ubuntu server 64bit version 14 and installed it using VMware workstation. I … Read more

Installed 13.10 over 14.04 by mistake. Cannot boot into anything!

To start, I’m trying to boot a 14.04 live usb made with unetbootin on my own 14.04. Sometimes it hangs here Sometimes here sometimes at a blank screen and sometimes it boots just fine but hangs at some random point after about 1 minute. no further. I’m frustrated :s It’s an msi gt702pc laptop and … Read more

What is the default set of fonts available to web browsers after installation

I don’t have an install of Ubuntu but am hoping this community can answer a question for me — I am trying to build a CSS font stack that includes a font the majority of Ubuntu users will have available. I am looking for a font family as close to Tobias Frere-Jones’ Gotham as possible. We … Read more