Serving flowplayer from cherokee webserver

When I download flowplayer locally on my machine and open index.html, the example video runs fine, no problems. I have a linode running cherokee 1.2.2 with a basic ‘List and Send’ virtual server setup. If I simply download the flowplayer zip, unzip it in my virtual server’s root directory, then navigate to the example directory, … Read more

Sharepoint Wiki: Can you embed anything other than images and hyperilnks? Specifically, .swf?

Is it possible to embed anything other than hyperlinks and pictures in a Sharepoint Wiki? I was trying to insert a client-side .swf flash video, but I am having some trouble, since it seems that <object> tags are being removed. If I can’t embed .swf files, are there video file types I can embed (such … Read more

Interaction .asp with .swf flash – good on IIS6, bad on IIS7

I can’t make my app work after migration from IIS6 to IIS7. Problem is described below. My app: in my app I use ‘flash.swf’. This .swf appeals to .asp, which contains only: Response.write “<myNode>test_is_ok</myNode>” .swf must get it and show “test_is_ok”. And it is really ok on IIS6 2003, but on IIS7 2008R2 .swf shows … Read more

What is the Expire on apache httpd.conf

I’d like to set the following: ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType application/x-flash-swf “access plus 1 days” ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash “access plus 1 days” <FilesMatch “\.swf$”> Header set Cache-Control “public” </FilesMatch> but I usually set on html <embed src=”” /> What is the difference YYYYMMDDSS and Expires(mod_expires)? Answer What is the difference YYYYMMDDSS and Expires(mod_expires)? mod_expires sets the headers … Read more

How do I prevent my swf files being hotlinked, downloaded etc

I have swf files that are embedded in a PHP page using SWFObject. These swf files are in the same directory as my PHP files. for example embeds, index.php and flashfile.swf are in the same directory. However I want to prevent people from being able to type in and viewing the swf. … Read more

Is there a way I can tell the type of SWF?

We have inherited a number of SWF files that we need to convert to AVI, MPEG or WMV. When playing back the files using the Swiff player from GlobFX it includes video and audio. Having researched the subject for the past 2 days I am no closer to determining the type of file it is … Read more

Is there a way I can tell the type of SWF?

We have inherited a number of SWF files that we need to convert to AVI, MPEG or WMV. When playing back the files using the Swiff player from GlobFX it includes video and audio. Having researched the subject for the past 2 days I am no closer to determining the type of file it is … Read more

Is there a way I can tell the type of SWF?

We have inherited a number of SWF files that we need to convert to AVI, MPEG or WMV. When playing back the files using the Swiff player from GlobFX it includes video and audio. Having researched the subject for the past 2 days I am no closer to determining the type of file it is … Read more

How to open ROM files using SWF on Chromebook. (Specifically .nes and .gba right now)

I have a collection of .gba and .nes files that I would like to play on a Chromebook. This Chromebook is managed, And while I am allowed to use it however I want, I can’t download APK files and stuff. I originally had an SWF reader that integrated with drive, but that site doesn’t work … Read more