Stunnel as Windows service doesn’t “start” on reboot

Running stunnel 5.03 on Windows 2008 R2. Everything is installed and working fine. I can even start/stop the service no problem… When I reboot my server stunnel service shows as started but nothing gets logged and none of my connections work. Once i restart the service through service manager, everything works. So on startup it … Read more

how to portforward port 7300 from server A to server B

We are using Stunnel. But want to replace it is with an iptables entry if possible. need to be forwarded to So in iptables I set these two entries: [root@dev ~]# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp –dport 7300 -j DNAT –to-destination [root@dev ~]# iptables -A FORWARD -m state -p tcp … Read more

End to end encryption with CQ5 and Dispatcher

I am currently working on an Adobe CQ5 (CMS) application that will be serving sensitive information, so communications should be encrypted using SSL end-to-end. The problem is that it is not currently possible for a Dispatcher (caching reverse proxy) to talk to a publish instance directly using SSL. On the Enabling HTTP over SSL page, … Read more

Why does stunnel keep on reading the old pem file?

I’ve updated the pem file using the rekeyed certificate. But upon checking the certificate information through various SSL checkers, the old certificate was being read. I tried reloading the stunnel configuration file (stunnel /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf) but still getting the same result. Are there any additional steps that I missed when updating the pem file using the … Read more

Use stunnel for SSL support

I am trying to add SSL support to my node.js app, while connecting via The traffic to is going to port 80. I would like stunnel to grab encrypted traffic from port 443, unencrypt it, and forward it to post 80. I have private.key, certificate and public key at hand, and I couldn’t … Read more