How to monitor a folder and trigger a command-line action when a file is created or edited?

I need to set up some sort of a script on my Vista machine, so that whenever a file is added to a particular folder, it automatically triggers a background process that operates on the file. (The background process is just a command-line utility that takes the file name as an argument, along with some … Read more

How to launch/close a program when launching/closing another program using the Windows Task Scheduler?

I have a Steam game which I launch in multiple ways such as: Clicking the play button on the Steam Library page Playing the game in Steam Big Picture Mode Manually launching the .exe Other batch files Everytime I launch it, I want to close the process dropbox.exe and everytime I close my game, I … Read more

Last Week Job Schedule

I’m looking for a way to scheduled MSSQL jobs to run only on the last week of the month? I see the current options are daily,weekly or month, When selecting monthly, you can select the day number, or a predefinated day Anybody know how Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : Wessel , Answer … Read more

E_ACCESSDENIED accessing WMI from scheduled task

In Powershell, I’m enumerating SQL databases as follows: $SqlServers = @(“SQL1”, “SQL2”) # SQL servers foreach ($SqlServer in $SqlServers) { $SqlBasePath = “SQLSERVER:\SQL\$SqlServer\” foreach ($SqlInstanceName in (Get-ChildItem -Path $SqlBasePath -Name)) { Write-Host “Processing $SqlInstanceName” foreach ($SqlDatabase in (Get-ChildItem -Path $($SqlBasePath + $SqlInstanceName + “\Databases”))) { This works great running from the command-line, as the service … Read more

Scheduled task failing when being deployed by GPO on some PC’s

I have scheduled a Task Scheduler using GPO (Windows 2012 R2). it failed when triggered by Task Scheduler with below error. The operator or administrator has refused the request(0x800710E0) I have followed below steps also after Google search Checked “Run whether user logged in or not“ Unchecked “Start the task only if the computer is … Read more

Linux: why would something happen every 61 minutes?

This could be extended to be; why would something happen regularly, but with an unusual interval? Scheduled task runners such as cron would not do this without some fairly significant augmentation involved (e.g. running a script every minute which counts 61 times and executes). I have a real world example of this happening currently, experiencing … Read more

Run bat file from task scheduler

I have a bat file, which I want to run from task scheduler C:\server\ @echo off echo Starting PHP FastCGI… RunHiddenConsole.exe c:/server/php/php-cgi.exe -b -c C:/server/php/php.ini echo Starting nginx… C:/server/nginx/nginx.exe It works properly when I start manually. I added a task to the scheduler, but the server is not started. When I click on the … Read more

mysql command using task scheduler in windows

have a script which stops and start the replication in MySQL. I am able to run this command in command prompt but unable to setup in task scheduler of windows. In CMD I’m using below step to run query: cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\ mysql.exe -u root -proot < C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\test.sql In test.sql I have added … Read more