How to install a specific version of PostgreSQL in Red Hat 8?

I’d like to install a specific version of PostgreSQL in RHEL 8 with dnf. To achieve this I followed the PostgreSQL guide : But actually I can only install the last version (12.9) not the 12.4 (the version I want). The version is however present in the repository : See : If I … Read more

RHEL 8.1 Kickstart cannot find ks.cfg

I’m having an issue with the RHEL 8.1 kickstart via NFS: NFS share: 192.168.x.x:/export/nfs/kickstart/rhel8 Kickstart File: 192.168.x.x:/export/nfs/kickstart/rhel8/ks.cfg It appears that Anaconda(?) is mounting the NFS directory locally under /run/install/repo — I can check that the mount is there and all files on the NFS share are available at that location. However, Anaconda seems to be … Read more

Client machine unable to connect to the local ftp repository server. Writes an error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo ‘***’, ignoring this repo

Please help me to understand where I was wrong, because I’ve read a lot of articles also I’ve seen lot’s of Youtube videos, but all the time in the end I’ve got the same error result. So, on my Server machine ( I’ve install from the rpms: ftp, vsftpd, createrepo and dnf-utils packages. Then, I’ve … Read more

Unable to use YUM. RHEL 8.2 server hosted in Azure

I have a Red Hat server hosted in Azure and when I try to use yum to install software or do a system update I get the below error, Errors during downloading metadata for repository ‘rhui-rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rhui-rpms’: Curl error (28): Timeout was reached for [Connection timed out after 30001 milliseconds] The system has been registered … Read more

Oracle Linux 8 getting DHCP but DNS not updating

My Oracle Linux 7 boxes automatically get a DHCP address and then BIND9 DNS is updated successfully. I recently installed an Oracle Linux 8 box, and while it is successfully assigned a DHCP ip address, BIND9 DNS is not being updated causing nslookups, dig etc to fail for the Oracle Linux 8 box. Has something … Read more

How best to connect a Windows 10 laptop to a RHEL 8 virtual machine?

I use a Windows 10 PC to log into and work on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 system every day. I have been using xpra to talk to it. Xpra dies every few minutes for a few seconds. Very irritating. I’m told that RHEL8 doesn’t support xrdp. Yes, I need X-Windows support. I need … Read more