Windows Server 2012 R2, having unexpectedly low disk performance or fault [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question We’re a student association which have purchased an dedicated server to host game servers and similar. The server seems to experience occasional Disk-I/O … Read more

How much resources to allocate for a VM running a selenium remote control

Not sure if this belongs here or on stackoverflow… When I run my selenium tests, the cpu usage on the (windows) VM running the selenium RC goes up to 100% cpu usage for about a third of the time. I thought maybe I’m not allocating enough resources to the VM. How much resources would you … Read more

Can access website but images, css stylesheets and javascript files do not download

i have this problem, not sure about the source of it, Basically the title describes the issue, I can access the webpage and see the html structure, but no resources are being donwloaded nor I have access to them using the browser that means, no javascript, no css styles and no images., any solutions?, Im … Read more

Dovecot 2.x unix_listners

Could somebody be able to explain to me what the various unix_listners do in the Dovecot 2.x configuration (specifically 10-master.conf). Currently, for postfix to use to deliver mail, I have: service lmtp { unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/dovecot-lmtp { group = postfix mode = 0660 user = postfix } } and for auth I have: service auth { … Read more

MySQL consuming all system memory on INSERT … SELECT

The mysql daemon is getting killed because Linux is reaching out of memory: Oct 24 07:41:23 <hostname> kernel: [82297.673701] Out of memory: kill process 13816 (mysqld) score 1839626 or a child There is a link with some workaround on this. That only happen when executing a query INSERT … SELECT with a very huge resulset. … Read more