gitlab vs trac: disk usage footprint

I just ragequitted GitHub. I’m considering between hosting my own issues tracker, or embrace any of, Bitbucket, Sourcehut, etc. I sorta think either gitlab or trac would be nice, and I couldn’t ask which one to choose, in order to avoid opinion polling. However there’s some thing… I would really want to use as … Read more

How do I configure MSMTP such that it will work with Request tracker?

I have installed Request tracker v4.0.8 in CentOS 6.2 system using [this documentation](http :// harbot. me/2012/05/22/how-to-install-request-tracker-4-0-5-in-centos6/). I’m using msmtp for outgoing email. msmtp works in command line and I get email. But when a ticket is created in RT, it doesn’t send mail. Here is the /var/log/messages: Tmailer: CALL /usr/local/bin/msmtp -nt -oi -t RETURNED 74 … Read more

How do I cache request-tracker4?

I’ve been using request tracker v4.0.8, over a relatively high latency internet connection, and I noticed that many (all?) of the supposedly static resources (css, javascript, images) are located in a /NoAuth/ directory. The CSS and javascript for each page are generated by RT on each request, and are served with Cache-Control: no-cache. The images … Read more

Request Tracker and msmtp multiple accounts

I have Request Tracker 4.4 succesfully set up to use msmtp to send emails using account “” (used this manual: But, I need to send mail from “”, too. I’m thinking of enhcancing the msmtp_wrapper: catching sdtin to a variable, then parsing it to get “From:”, then pipe it to msmtp, specifying “-a” (account). … Read more

RequestTracker on Ubuntu 10.10 server. Apache won’t start

Having issues getting RT to run on Ubuntu. I followed the steps here but am running into a problem where apache doens’t start after pasting in the following lines in the sites-available/default file. Include /etc/request-tracker3.8/apache2-modperl2.conf RedirectMatch ^/$ /rt The apache2 error log has the following line. [Wed Feb 02 11:14:25 2011] [error] Can’t locate Apache/ … Read more

how to install requestracker 3.8 on debian-lenny with aptitude?

i want to install Request tracker on my debian server, i want to do it through aptitude, is this posible ? i try to add de backports to the source list following this tutorial: , however i get the Couldn’t find any package whose name or description matched “request-tracker3.8” When i try: aptitude install … Read more

Cannot send email outside of network using Postfix

I’ve set up an Ubuntu server with Request Tracker following this guide (the section about inbound mail would be relevant). However, while I’m able to send mail to other users within the network/domain, I cannot seem to reach beyond – such as my personal accounts etc. Now I have no idea what is causing this, … Read more