php threads (not processes) keep mounting up until server crashes

I’ve been struggling with the following problem for a while now and would very much appreciate your help. My webserver completely crashes on a regular basis due to too many php threads. The number of php processes is stable within a normal range (e.g. 35 processes). The number of threads per process constantly increases over … Read more

How do I get a thread dump of my Wildfly process on Amazon Linux?

We’re using Wildfly 11 with JDK 8 on Amazon Linux. How do I get a thread dump of our Wildfly process? We’re trying to troubleshoot why we’re seeing high CPU utilization for that process. We do NOT have jstack installed so I thought I could use “kill -3”, but it outputs nothing … [myuser@mymachine ~]$ … Read more

mariadb main thread over 100% cpu and flushing logs

I have 5.5.60-MariaDB and noticed the main thread remains on sleep mode for the last 200hrs. After checking innodb status I see the below line for this thread. Main thread process no. 119014, id 140084875732736, state: flushing log pid 119014 is the main thread and the only one on S status when I look at … Read more

Nfs server thread count is increased, but new threads don’t start

We’re running an nfs-server on RedHat 6.9 Santiago and recently we’ve experienced large I/O waits on clients. After some troubleshooting we decided to increase the number of nfs threads. After following the steps in RHEL’s official solutions site(publicly available) we edited /etc/sysconfig/nfs file and changed the line RPCNFSDCOUNT=8 to RPCNFSDCOUNT=16. Questions is, reading /proc/fs/nfsd/thread and … Read more

Thread creation randomly starts failing on Ubuntu 18.04

My company owns a few dedicated servers from OVH. We host many of our core services on them. The issue is that seemingly randomly, one of our main servers will start blocking thread creation. Most of our services are made in Java, I’m not sure if this is something exclusive to the JVM because I … Read more

Why does a MySQL select sometimes not create a “client connection”?

I’m doing some testing (on my dev server) to help me figure out what is causing the ever growing list of connections on my production server. My assumption is that there are certain pages that are not closing the connection using mysql_close(). So I’m trying to first of all confirm what is creating the connections, … Read more

Weblogic Threads Usage

I have an application deployed on WebLogic 10.3, which exhibits a strange behavior. I am running a constant (not too high) load on my application (20 concurrent users, running a light activity). The response time is reasonable (well below 100ms after the application stabilizes) Memory consumption seems fine (My application creates a lot of short-living … Read more

how can I monitor Jboss threads to see the response times and waiting times in real time

We are facing a problem of slowness in performance when the requests are being served from JBoss. We had a web server routing requests to application server and we could see the problem with JBoss’s JVM. how can I monitor Jboss threads to see the response times and waiting times in real time? Is there … Read more