Does GNU/Linux counts processes and threads together when I limit their number?

I want to limit the number of processes per user on my machine, with /etc/security/limits.conf and the nproc value. I have read here that Linux dosen’t distinguish between processes and threads? My current nproc limit per user is 1024, but if this includes also threads, it is too low in my point of view. The … Read more

Task Manager is saying the system is running with over a thousand threads

I opened up Task Manager and looked under the “System” area and saw: Threads: 1337 Since I have a dual-core processor with hyper-threading available (meaning four threads), how is it possible to have 1000+ threads when my processor is only supposed to have four? Answer The simple answer is that not all threads are executing … Read more

Jenkins realtime console output for parallel threaded fabric command [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Super User. Closed 4 years ago. Improve this question We have a Python fabric command that runs in parallel across several hosts, something like this: $ fab –hosts=prod1.server,prod2.server,prod3.server –parallel copy_cache This will … Read more

What’s the best way to perform a parallel copy on Unix?

I routinely have to copy the contents of a folder on a network file system to my local computer. There are many files (1000s) on the remote folder that are all relatively small but due to network overhead a regular copy cp remote_folder/* ~/local_folder/ takes a very long time (10 mins). I believe it’s because … Read more

what does 2 core 4 threads mean in cpu?

I wanted to know what does 2 cores 4 threads mean about a cpu? I am talking about this cpu which i have I initially thought i5 had 4 cores but i think i am wrong. My understanding of a thread is it is a chunk of code that can run simultaneously(concurrently) with other … Read more

How do priorities work on task-manager and when should/n’t I set this?

I’ve been setting some processes priority in order to see what it actually happens, but, guess what… Nothing; it all runs the same way… I found on Google that priorities are not really linked with processing speed, is that true? Why not then? if a process has the highest priority, shouldn’t it go faster?? Answer … Read more