Maximum packet length reached?

Clients are having issues connecting to perforce revision server I have set up for them to use. It appears that they have too many checked out/added files that need to be put into the system and they are getting packet reseet issues. Specifically the TCP connection is resetting when its trying to communicate with the … Read more

Jenkins, Perforce and Multibranch, how to set up automatic branch detecting?

I’m setting up Jenkins with Pipeline (former Workflow) and trying to configure Multibranch. All documentation I find is about git and svn, but I’m stuck with using Perforce. I have installed all plugins, including p4 (the new Perforce plugin). Setting up a Multibranch job, I’m provided with a dropdown list under Branch Sources called Add … Read more

p4 – I’ve got no such file or directory – when in reality it exists

I have installed p4 command line client on the server, and something strange happened. It exists, has executable rights, but I cannot execute it beacause I got message that it does not exists. I will put terminal commands and output to describe whole situation: user@host:~$ echo $PATH /opt/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games user@host:~$ which p4 /opt/bin/p4 user@host:~$ ls -l … Read more

Perforce Restore From Multiple Checkpoint Files?

I am working with a very large (~11GB) checkpoint file and trying to do a -jr (journal restore) operation. About half way through the file, I’m hitting an entry which causes an error to occur. I’m unable to come up with a conventional way to print, edit, and save changes to the offending line. So … Read more

Revision control of sensitive configuration files

Consider a file with user-read-only permissions, for example … -r——–+ admin secrets.txt How can such a file be put under revision control, so that its contents remain secret, even from the revision control administrator? Answer Use GPG to encrypt the file before commiting to your repo. Yes, it’s cumbersome (you won’t be able to diff/merge/etc. … Read more

Compliance in DVCS administration at an enterprise context, what to expect from a transition from a CVCS (Perforce)?

I work in a big multinational company as a software engineer and I’m currently holding a very nice conversation with IT and other developers with regards to adopting a DVCS (Mercurial and/or Git). One of the issues raised by IT was compliance and intellectual property (BTW, Perforce talks loudly about this and in relation to … Read more