Looking to add a background inside logo, but not outside

logo with transparent interior and background I have the blue background offset so you can see the logo in transparent. Essentially I want the inside of the wheel and text to be blue, but I do not want any of the blue on the outside of the logo. I am not a graphic artist so … Read more

Looking to add a background inside logo, but not outside

logo with transparent interior and background I have the blue background offset so you can see the logo in transparent. Essentially I want the inside of the wheel and text to be blue, but I do not want any of the blue on the outside of the logo. I am not a graphic artist so … Read more

Why does AI CS6’s menu version of Pathfinder > Divide do nothing while the panel version works?

In Adobe Illustrator CS6, there is a menu item, Effect > Pathfinder > Divide, which I expect should take two overlaying vector shapes and divide one on the line segments of the other. It fails. On the other hand, if I use the Pathfinder panel and click on the Divide button, it does exactly that. … Read more

Reveal in PathFinder/Finder

We are using AppleScript to reveal files from our application in the Finder. If a user has alternatives, e.g., PathFinder, installed as a replacement for Finder, how we can find our what application to tell the AppleScript commands? Answer You can try using this: try tell application “Path Finder” to reveal “/Users/danielbeck/Downloads” on error tell … Read more

What is the difference between a normal C:\ drive & an -IC:\ Drive in A windows Machine

Recently, Just now tried to install PyGTK for building python User Interface Modules. Just to mess around With, But It’s Saying Can’t install PyGTK Without PyObject, So I Also tried to install this via pip install inside a command line tool, But I Noticed a funny Path directory that I’ve never come across before & … Read more

How can I connect to my linux server with Mac using the credentials of one of the users on the linux box?

How can I connect to my linux server with Mac (Finder and/or Pathfinder apps) using the credentials of one of the users on the linux box?? I am using SMB. The linux box is running Centos 6, Mac is Mountain Lion. Right now it only connects as root, which means I constantly have to reset … Read more