Ubuntu 14.04 – Uninstall manually installed NVIDIA driver

first of all: Im new to linux:) I would like to reinstall my nvidia driver. Therefore, I’d like to uninstall my currently installed driver first (version: 346). I already purged all nvidia files with the following commands: sudo apt-get -s purge ‘nvidia-*’ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf echo ‘nouveau’ | sudo tee -a … Read more

How to switch from RDP user login to local user login with Windows 8.1

I have a Windows 8.1 desktop PC where I log into using RDP. Now I want to use Moonlight (Android app) that also uses some of the remote protocols used by RDP. Besides that Moonlight also uses Nvidia services to function. The following problem arises: 1) The Nvidia services don’t run when the PC is … Read more

Can’t enable nVidia proprietary driver with bumblebee on debian 8

I am running the Debian 8.0 64bit (Jessie, the stable release) on my HP laptop. I am having hard time in installing the proprietary nVidia driver of my graphic card 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GF108M [GeForce GT 630M] [10de:0de9] (rev ff) I have followed step by step the guides on debian wiki. … Read more

Rebuilt computer blue screens differently and sporadically every start up

I lived in the US and moved to Australia, and took my computer with me. To ship it I had to take it completely apart and couldn’t bring the original power source. So I purchased a new power supply, put together the parts (Asus motherboard, Intel processor, 32gb ram, two Nvidia quadro graphics cards) At … Read more

NVidia 3-way SLI with 4 monitors

I need some help with the correct (or preferred) configuration for plugging in 4 monitors to a 3-Way-SLI setup. I would like to have 3 primary monitors all working in an SLI configuration for gaming/desktop etc, but the 4th monitor to be separate from the SLI configuration. So when doing anything in full screen, the … Read more

Ensuring correct subsystem of passed through GPU? (Optimus laptop and Intel GVT-g)

I am attempting to passthrough an NVIDIA GPU on an optimus-enabled laptop and use it in conjuction with Intel GVT-g. The host system is Ubuntu, guest is Windows 7. After setting up Intel GVT-g according to the iGVT setup guide, the Intel card is successfully shared between the guest and host. The GTX 960M vBIOS … Read more

Display issue NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 on HDMI – blue tint on some 1080p web videos/video files/games/etc

I’ve been using my PC connected to my 50″ TV for the past couple of months and an odd seemingly random issue started happening (which did not happen until then, while it was connected to a VGA monitor with a DVI-to-VGA adapter). Sometimes, when playing certain youtube videos, the tv would turn black for half … Read more