How can I trigger a notification when a job/process ends?

The place I work at has commands that take a long time to execute. Is there a command/utility that I can use to notify me when the command execution is over? It could be a popup window or maybe a little sound. Answer Generally, if you know this before running the command, you can just … Read more

View past notifications in Windows 10?

New with Windows 10 seems to be the Notification Area. Now, I’ve seen a few notifications (in the Action Center). The problem is that I haven’t understood any of them (actively using computers for 30 years now), and once I click them they are gone. Is there any way to view these past user notifications … Read more

Why does terminal say: “You have mail”?

Any idea why my Mac terminal says: You have mail in /var/mail/lofye How can I make it stop saying that every time I open terminal? Answer Somehow you’ve had a script or something similar deliver mail to your account on your local machine which is stored in /var/mail/$USER You can either remove the file /var/mail/$USER … Read more