Temporarily disable network managment of eth0 – How

eth0 is managed by the network manager icon and connects using dhcp when it detects a network cable. However, very occasionally I want to connect to some special-purpose computers with static IP addresses using a direct ethernet connection (cross-over). Then I set sudo ifconfig eth0 or sudo ifconfig eth0:1 and can connect to … Read more

How to make port forwarding work from two routers via their own network?

I have a computer that has connected to two routers via their internal network. I have forwarded port 80 to my computer on both routers. RouterA:80 -> works. RouterB:80 -> works. So routers’ port forwarding config is correct. However when I connect to both network only RouterA’s port forwarding works. How can I … Read more

Network manager deleted

I do not have a network manager on computer so I am unable to access internet. How can I install it using .deb packages? I am running 64-bit 13.04. I was trying How do I re-install Network Manager without an internet connection? but it didn’t install Network Manager and network-manager-gnome. It said Dependency not satisfiable: … Read more

Notification When someone connects to my local network , ARP, Notification file

I have a question concerning Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Desktop – notifications (same notification as Rhythmbox application when playing music back and forth), technically if I’m not mistaken it should be called “freedesktop.Notifications.service”. I just want to add notifications when one of my devices such as; laptop, phone, tablet connect to my local network. My configuration … Read more

WPA2 WiFi password constrained to 5 or 13 characters

First of all, I found both of these pages: Wifi only accepts passwords of 5 or 13 characters Cannot change Wifi settings, stuck on WEP Security Both look similar to my problem, but seem associated with WEP, not WPA or WPA2. I’ve double-checked that my WiFi router is set for WPA2, and it is. I … Read more

Are internet connection passwords available from some location in /home?

I keep /home on a separate partition. I upgrade by performing a fresh install. I assume that my internet connection passwords, like most of my other settings, will be stored somewhere in /home and so will be preserved. But, no, they’re saved in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections, so a fresh install wipes them out. Are they somehow retrievable … Read more


After installing mir on Ubuntu 14.04 desktop network Connection shows /405050011390461/context1. Unable to delete this /405050011390461/context1. I am unable to connect to the internet. There is a dir at /var/lib/ofono/40505001139061. Thanks Answer Used locate command to search the numbers: locate / 405050011390461 It is a dir in /var/lib/ofono. Searched ask ubuntu. Found the solution at … Read more

Cannot connect to a working VPN through Network indicator?

I have fully calibrated VPN connection with all the required settings but I cannot connect it through Network Indicator. However sometimes it works just fine and I can connect it. What might be the problem, any idea? Answer When the VPN doesn’t connect kindly: 1)Ping the VPN server to ensure it is available. 2) Confirm … Read more

Monitor PPPOE connection with vnstat

I’ve try vahid@DEMON:~$ ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet … lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: … ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol … vboxnet0 Link encap:Ethernet … wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet … Then vahid@DEMON:~$ vnstat -i ppp0 and got this error:Error: Unable to read database “/var/lib/vnstat/ppp0”. Then vahid@DEMON:~$ vnstat -u -i ppp0 And got these error: Error: Unable … Read more

How to block access to all SSIDs except for a preferred SSID

I work in an enterprise environment and I need to block access in Ubuntu 14.04 to any unapproved SSID in a lab setup. The client only wants users in the lab to be able to access one specific SSID and hide or block access to any other SSID (Other Corporate Wifi Networks, Personal Hotspots, etc..). … Read more