Netatalk 3.0.1 disconnects with Bad file descriptor on FreeBSD

I am having trouble with my netatalk server 3.0.1 on FreeBSD-9.1 RELEASE. Netatalk was installed from the ports collection and is sharing some directories over the network. Update also netatalk version 3.0.2 has the same problems on my machine afpd.conf [Global] ; Global server settings [Homes] basedir regex = /home home name = $f – … Read more

Netatalk shared folder shows as readonly on OSX

I have a few Mac clients connected to a Linux server running Netatalk 3.1.1. The server is connected to an AD domain, the clients are currently not. Previously all users were connecting under a single user account and everything worked relatively well. We attempted to introduce the new concept that every user should have their … Read more

Allow guest read/write access to Netatalk AFP share

I am running Netatalk 3.14dev on Ubuntu 14.04. This box is being used as a webserver and we already have a Samba share pointed at the /var/www folder to allow our developers to work on sites hosted on the server. The Samba share is configured to allow full guest read/write access, and files created / … Read more

Netatalk — should every client connect through a separate account?

I have an Ubuntu 14.04 server running Netatalk 3.1.7. It’s serving files to 3-4 other computers running a mixture of OSX Yosemite and Windows 7 (the latter connects via Samba rather than Netatalk). My question is should all of these machines be authenticating via separate user accounts, or is it okay for them to connect … Read more

How do I diagnose non-working Netatalk on Centos?

Our Centos 7.1.503 server, running Netatalk recently ran to full disk capacity and our macs couldn’t save files. I rebooted it and removed some (non-system) files but now the Netatalk share isn’t available on the network. What’s the procedure for diagnosing this problem and fixing it? To complicate matters we recently moved premises and changed … Read more

Slow netatalk authentication / connectio speed

i have a netatalk server running on ubuntu server 10.04.1. connecting and moving files works generally, but, when connecting / authenticating the server needs so much time. when i connect using my mac (10.6), the login prompt comes up quickly, but when entered the credentials, it takes like 10sec “Connecting…” till the share comes up. … Read more

EXT4 Single Larger Volume or Many Smaller Volumes

My question is regarding the file system performance of EXT4 volumes relative to size. We have a NAS running any arbitrary Linux platform. The NAS has (12) 4TB disks in a hardware RAID 6 with LVM resulting in approximately 40 TB of usable storage. The NAS is a file server (netatalk and samba). As the … Read more