Munin plugins with 2 lines

I need munin plugin with 2 lines in/out. What args i must put in my plugin like this graph view: I need to lines and zero line. Thank you. Answer Read through the HowtoWritePlugins specifically the network interface plugins section. AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : shk , Answer Author : Sameer

Munin does not show Apache/mySQL stats in web view

I’m facing a very strange Problem. I just set up Munin on a fresh Ubuntu slice with a common LAMP Stack. Everything works great, except that Munin does just not show the Apache/mySQL stats in the web view. Everything else in the web view works great, Apache works, mySQL works. I even tried calling the … Read more

How to bind munin to use a vhost or port number?

Currently I’am able to access my munin setup using the default url. For security reasons, I want to only allow Munin to be access using port number. Like this Tried reading munin config but no luck. Hope that you can suggest on how to configure this. Thank you. Answer Munin is just a … Read more

Why does this iptables config prevent munin from working?

I have created an iptables config which I thought that I understood, however it seems to be preventing munin from generating graphs and I’m not sure why. If I disable iptables, munin will generate graphs as expected. I have included my iptables config and munin config. Does anyone see how munin is being blocked? Munin … Read more

Passively monitor IO wait spike on process level

We use munin and monit to keep track of general stats about our vps, in last a couple of weeks, we have been running into issues where random IO wait spike is killing our server performance. Since then we have been checking cron for possible suspect, but haven’t found one that match spike patterns. Arriving … Read more

Munin graph shows 3 Upgradable security packages (red alert) but apt does not install them

I’m using this munin plugin : The server is an ubuntu 10.04 up to date. So.. This is my munin server, which on its own munin graph shows me a red alert on System, its an alert of “3 Security Upgradable Packages”. But does packages are kept back. What Should I do to make … Read more