Install Mono on CentOS 5.5 using Yum

I’m trying to install mono on a CentOS 5.5 machine. I assumed I will be using the OpenSUSE packages (i’m not sure thought, there are other options like Debian and Ubuntu). I created a mono.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d with the content [mono] name=novell-mono baseurl= gpgcheck=0 Now I;m not sure which package to install using yum, … Read more

5 second delay for OnlyOffice (mono-fastcgi & nginx) on Linux

Setup Debian 8 (jessie) – fully up to date. Server is in local network, ping <=1ms, bandwith 10..40 Mbit (bing -s 124 -S 1024 localhost <server>) the server is also running some other webservices, which are idle though. OnlyOffice v8.1 (which uses ASP.NET) mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.42, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.3 Mono … Read more

Failed to create shadow copy (CopyFile) While Loading an .aspx page in mono-server

Failed to create shadow copy (CopyFile) Description: HTTP 500. Error processing request Before I begin my question; below is link to my previous problem, It was 503 error; Resolved by enabling seboolian of httpd_execmem: Mono crashes while SELinux enforced, How to get mono server worked while SELinux is enforced? Now, here I’m stuck — 1) … Read more

Making / resolve “generically” instead of to an index file in Apache + mod_mono

I recently tried deploying my extremely “odd/custom” web application and I’m having some problems. Basically, in my code at Global.asax I have if(context.Request.Url.AbsolutePath==”/”){ //doesn’t work(yields 404 error for index.aspx) Response.Write(“foo); } if(context.Request.Url.AbsolutePath==”/test”){ //does work Response.Write(“bar”); } At the moment, I am just using the simple auto configuration for Apache and mod_mono. The only thing I … Read more

Apache Reverse Proxy not working inside a VirtualHost running a Mono Web Application

I have a mono web application running with this virtual host below. It is running on Apache 2.2.20 / Ubuntu 11.10. I tried to add a reverse proxy inside this virtualhost so I can make asynchronous or AJAX type calls back to this same domain. My asynchronous requests would have problems in many browsers calling … Read more

Mono fast cgi not working on nginx

I installed mono fast cgi for nginx following instructions on: but when i try to load test aspx file i getting 502 error gateway,and following error in error log: 2011/11/28 18:49:51 [error] 5376#0: *6 upstream sent unexpected FastCGI record: 3 while reading response header from upstream, client: ipadress, server: ipadress, request: “GET /default.aspx HTTP/1.1”, … Read more