Hundreds of suspicious messages coming from random sources [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed last year. Improve this question I’m having a serious problem and I’m getting out of options. Out of the blue, my Windows 10 laptop with McAfee started reporting hundreds … Read more

Are SQL Server Compatibility Levels Transparent to the Client?

I’m working with a client through the process of modernising their old server infrastructure. They have left a McAfee ePO instance for too long without upgrading and we are now dealing with an unsupported upgrade path. As part of this modernisation the ePO’s database will be moved from a local SQL Server 2008 R2 instance … Read more

McAfee anti-virus for linux server? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Anti virus For Linux (2 answers) Closed 8 years ago. We have a CentOS server for our web startup hosted on Knowing how secure Linux is even without anti-virus programs: Do I still need to install McAfee as advertised in softlayer’s site ( Is it worth installing? What … Read more

Updating Mcafee Group Shield on Exchange Server

So I don’t actually have a problem yet, but I might. You see my fathers company have 10 computers and an exchange server with Mcafee Group Shield. lately they’ve had issues with mails from customers being blocked. I found both the problem and the solution: Mcafee update so basicly update their Mcafee group shield to … Read more

McAfee ePO server not displaying updated Product version number

I have recently been given Administrative rights to help maintain ePO on my companies network. From the group of machines that I am in charge of keeping up-to-date, a small amount of these machines do not have the proper McAfee Product information displayed in ePO. I have remoted into these machines manually and checked the … Read more

Remove McAfee branding from Windows login

McAfee Enterprise plasters its brand over everything on the PC. Everything. The latest is that since installing disk encryption, the McAfee logo is placed over the user account picture on the Windows 7 login screen. Is there a way to remove this? Answer To add/change pictures, you need to go to Menu – > Configuration … Read more

Exchange 2013 with McAfee Security for MS Exchange: email failing to one domain

I run a small domain, low volume email, no marketing. Messages are bouncing immediately when sent to one domain. No problems sending email to any other domain; recipient domain reports no problems with other senders; problem occurs with any sender in my domain. We’re not on any blacklists that I can see. Our email volume … Read more

netbios McAfee HIPS block

All across my network random computers have been receiving a ton of McAfee HIPS blocks that state “Blocked outgoing UDP Source random IP netbios (137) destination IP“. The only way we can resolve this is by putting the computers in rule exception which we can’t have for long so essentially the computers are useless. I … Read more

What is EngineServer.exe and should I kill it? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 12 years ago. Improve this question I’ve got this process running on my work computer and it’s starting to take up quite a bit of memory. I know it … Read more