Python, Eclipse or Windows 10 won’t recognize matplotlib

I’m using Eclipse on Windows 10. I would like to make a function plotter so I started a program as import tkinter from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import ( FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2Tk) # Implement the default Matplotlib key bindings. from matplotlib.backend_bases import key_press_handler from matplotlib.figure import Figure import numpy as np Now I got an error: Traceback (most recent … Read more

ffmpeg command, what is the “best” config to re-encode video Youtube?

Let’s say we have a video generated with matplotlib.animation with the code below (while can’t figure how to have the mp4 file with HD 1080p, but we can re-encode with Final cut pro HD 1080p) Writer = animation.writers[‘ffmpeg’]#code to save the example.mp4 writer = Writer(fps=0.9, codec=”h264″, bitrate=1000000, metadata=dict(artist=’me’))‘example.mp4’, writer=writer) When this mp4 file is … Read more

ffmpeg command, what is the “best” config to re-encode video Youtube?

Let’s say we have a video generated with matplotlib.animation with the code below (while can’t figure how to have the mp4 file with HD 1080p, but we can re-encode with Final cut pro HD 1080p) Writer = animation.writers[‘ffmpeg’]#code to save the example.mp4 writer = Writer(fps=0.9, codec=”h264″, bitrate=1000000, metadata=dict(artist=’me’))‘example.mp4’, writer=writer) When this mp4 file is … Read more

ffmpeg command, what is the “best” config to re-encode video Youtube?

Let’s say we have a video generated with matplotlib.animation with the code below (while can’t figure how to have the mp4 file with HD 1080p, but we can re-encode with Final cut pro HD 1080p) Writer = animation.writers[‘ffmpeg’]#code to save the example.mp4 writer = Writer(fps=0.9, codec=”h264″, bitrate=1000000, metadata=dict(artist=’me’))‘example.mp4’, writer=writer) When this mp4 file is … Read more

Attempting to make a multi-column graph

I am trying to make a column graph where the y-axis is the mean grain size, the x-axis is the distance along the transect, and each series is a date and/or number value (doesn’t really matter). Here is an image of my data and here it is in CSV format: Date,,Grain Size (mm),Distance along Transact … Read more

Can’t import matplotlib on Anaconda (Python), on my Mac, even though it’s installed on the terminal and set as a default

So basically on my Ipython I can’t get it working even though it’s installed, and the terminal shows that it should be working. Syntax and Error In [1]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ————————————————————————— ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-1-eff513f636fd> in <module>() —-> 1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt //anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ in <module>() 1129 1130 # this … Read more

install python2.7.3 + numpy + scipy + matplotlib + scikits.statsmodels + pandas0.7.3 correctly

…using Linux (xubuntu). How to install python2.7.3 + numpy + scipy + matplotlib + scikits.statsmodels + pandas0.7.3 correctly ? My final aim is to have them working. The problem: ~$ python –version Python 2.7.3 so i already have a system-default 2.7.3, which is good! ~$ dpkg -s python-numpy Package: python-numpy Status: install ok installed and … Read more

Why is there a .matplotlib folder in my home folder of Windows 8.1?

I even do not install python. And after I delete it, it will appear after a while. So I think it was created by some other applications. Does any one has met the same problem and know why? In addition, here is the file structure of the folder: .matplotlib tex.cache(empty folder) fontList.cache And here are … Read more

View extra large PDF files on Linux

I have a 18000x18000px PDF file I generate via matplotlib. Before printing I would like to preview it, at least at 20% zoom. Sadly nothing I have tried so far works: evince will only open it at a maximum zoom level of 1.3%. This is after I have increased the cache size (via the dconf … Read more