How can I migrate my network+printer configurations into new Windows?

One of my office Windows machine has been crashed( blue screen). I am browsing my file system (crashed pc’s drive(c:)) from my Ubuntu Live CD. I am setting up new OS on my crashed pc. I am looking for a way to copy my existing printers+network configurations to my new Windows. So, how can I … Read more

Headless installation of debian “golden image”

For the retrofit of some older embedded (Intel, x86) PCs I would like to install a customized Debian image with as little as possible user interaction. Normally I would create a Debian installation, customize it (install packages, configuration files, etc) then remove all device-specific configuration (SSH Host keys etc) create an image file, and flash … Read more

(Ubuntu) How to ensure that webserver has been started before the desktop environment is shown?

I’m trying to create my own Linux distro in LiveCD format. I have put a webserver in my Linux LiveCD, and make it automatically startup during boot time. I have made the LiveCD to auto-login to desktop environment without requiring user to type in their password. Now, I would like to configure the web browser … Read more

Error while loading shared libraries /lib/ cannot read file data

I’ve created quite a predicament with my desktop installation and would prefer to be able to salvage it instead of having to reformat/re-install Ubuntu. Quite a lot happened and here’s my best recollection: My Ubuntu installation stopped working and I could not get the desktop to load. I backup up my entire home directory by … Read more

ssh knoppix v7 / ubuntu v12 live CD

Using any Live CD possible to do ssh? If yes kindly share the step. I have use Ubuntu v12 after booting in live mode $ sudo bash # apt-get install openssh-server # /etc/init.d/ssh restart or service ssh restart Error say unrecognized service Answer Step 1 use “clonezilla Live CD” Step 2 boot using Clonezilla Live … Read more