How do I switch from LightDM to GDM?

How do I switch from the default display manager (Lightdm) to the older display manager (GDM)? Answer Switching from LightDM to the “older” GDM is very easy, and need not even involve opening a terminal. Note: If you need/want to do this from a terminal (e.g. recovery console), please scroll below the screenshots for a … Read more

How can I make xrandr customization permanent?

I used to edit the startup script for the GDM (/etc/gdm/Init/Default) to permanently change my display resolution. How can I do this with LigthDM in Ubuntu Oneiric? Answer Modify /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to add the following options: display-setup-script > calls your before the login screen appears session-setup-script > calls your before the user desktop session … Read more

What is the relationship between Unity, Gnome, Gnome 3, Compiz, Metacity, and LightDM?

I am learning about Graphical User Interfaces in Ubuntu and constantly come across different terms, which cause a lot of confusion for me. I have tried reading easy-to-understand tutorials about the relationship between the named packages, but I don’t have a complete picture. LightDM appears as a service on my installation and is a ‘Window … Read more