Windows 10 configure application precedence for capturing key strokes

I am running windows 10, and from time to time need to remote login to a mac. And I have since encountered some key stroke capturing issues. So I have the wox launcher bond to Win + Space. And if I connect to Mac via VNC with the realvnc viewer, Win + Space would be … Read more

How to set keybind for green run button in VSCode

At the top right of VSCode is a green button that when pressed automatically runs my python file in terminal which is great, but I want to set a keybind like ctrl+enter to fire it. I’m not sure what this function is called though, so I don’t know which keybind setting to change. I do … Read more

Sublime Text 3: Keybind/Shortcut for “Permute Selections > Sort”?

Is there some way to add a keybind for the following menu command? Edit > Permute Selections > Sort Also, if there is a comprehensive list defining how to properly reference all of the ST3 menu commands in order to bind a shortcut for them, please let me know. I’ve been trying to find information … Read more

How to make remap Alt to Win button when there are Xbox Game key-bindings

I would like to bind my LAlt to LWin button. I have the AutoHotKey script: LWin::LAlt It works great except for a few key sentences: Win-r, Win-g, Win-b. They have their roots in Xbox Game application in Windows 10, but after I turned them off nothing changed and they still don’t work. I have lost … Read more

Textboxes in Linux-based systems

I know this is a very wide-ranging question, but I hope someone can point me in the right direction. For a long time now, I have been really frustrated with the fact that textboxes in my Linux distros (I have Ubuntu and CentOS) use Windows like keyboard shortcuts (End, Home, Arrow Keys) instead of Emacs … Read more

bash unbind CTRL-W (bash 4.1 solaris 11.3)

I’ve looked through multiple old posts, but nothing is working. I’ve made the following changes to no avail: #file: .inputrc set bind-tty-special-chars off #I have a cursory understanding of what this does, I really want to disable all mappings so I can build them from scratch myself #file: .bashrc stty werase undef #again, just script … Read more

Remapping right command and option on a MacBook Pro

First of all, I am pretty new to MacOs, I’ve been Windows and Linux user for a long time. I have been tinkering a lot with the remaping/shortcuts in macOS Big Sur so I can be comfortable while programming. I am using tools such as Karabiner and BetterTouchTool to manage the key binds. I am … Read more

Windows 10 PC does random things: Apps open randomly, Magnifier randomly zooms in to 200, and when I click W, the Pen and Ink thing opens

So I had my Windows 10 PC turned on while not doing anything on it other than downloading. Then suddenly these random things started to happen to it one after another: Apps opened randomly. Also, the Calculator has been opening randomly for the past months/weeks. I think it also opens along with other apps for … Read more