tomcat cannot write files into WEB-INF folder

I used cpanel+tomcat .the Project structure is : ROOT —-index.jsp —- sample.txt —– /WEB-INF/classes/pack2/sample2.txt tomcat Can write into sample.txt with permission 664 . but cannot write into /WEB-INF/classes/pack2/sample2.txt /WEB-INF/classes/pack2/ with permission 775 , sample2.txt with permission 775 . all folder and files in web-inf folder contains permission 775 and the owner of files is Ftp … Read more

Load balancing multiple PHP sites and JSP sites using Apache Server

I’ve been trying for the last couple of days to get this small (i though) scenario working. Small drawing of my architecture.       request          |      ApacheLB          |     |———|  Apache1   Apache2  Tomcat1   Tomcat2 So far i can get the following to work, either serving my cluster of Apache servers or serving my cluster of Tomcat servers. The Apache cluster … Read more

Error with hosting a jsp file in Apache Tomcat 7.0.8

I have little experience with hosting and administering jsp sites in Apache Tomcat 7.0.8. Today I tried to host a site Apache Tomcat 7.0.8 but its giving me error like following: Bad Gateway The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. Additionally, a 502 Bad Gateway error was encountered while trying to … Read more

How set owner of file cms.war for ftpuser and owner of cms folder for tomcat user?

I’m using Tomcat Server. I would like the owner of the file cms.war to be the ftp user the tomcat user to be the owner of the cms/ folder. When I uploaded cms.war it was automatically deployed in cms/ folder and when I deleted cms.war the cms/ folder was deleted. Answer The chown command can … Read more