./configure doesn’t work while installing mod_gzip

I tried to install and enable mod_gzip on apache server and downloaded mod_gzip from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mod-gzip/files/ When i try to install and type ./configure, i get ./configure: No such file or directory Answer The directory that you are currently in does not contain an executable file called configure. Why are you not using mod_deflate which is … Read more

Grade F on Compress but gzip is running

i got a litte problem with gzip YSlow says: Grade F on Compress components with gzip There are 5 plain text components that should be sent compressed Page Speed says: Enable compression but its active in my .htaccess: this is my .htaccess RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.jgz -f RewriteRule (.*)\.js$ $1\.js.jgz [L] AddType … Read more

Setting a custom value to the DeflateBufferSize results in 500 internal server error

I’m trying to reset the DeflateBufferSize directive like so in my .htaccess file: DeflateBufferSize 1024 SetOutputFilter DEFLATE But the result of each page is then 500 internal server error (this happens even if I set it to its default value of 8096). If I remove that line everything’s fine. Why is this happening, do I … Read more

Unable to decompress a .gz file on centos. gunzip: filename.tar.gz: not in gzip format

I am trying to install the latest apache ant to centos. I did as follows: wget http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi/apache-ant-1.8.2-bin.tar.gz gzip -d apache-ant-1.8.2-bin.tar.gz and I get the error as follows: gunzip: apache-ant-1.8.2-bin.tar.gz: not in gzip format However If do as follows: Download the tar.gz file from the GUI to a desktop folder Open up a terminal, navigate to … Read more

Why would internet explorer conflict with lighttpd/mod_compress?

We’ve been running lighttpd on our image servers for quite some time, but in an effort to speed up page load times, we’ve been working toward using mod_compress and etags to speed things up. I’ve added the following lines to the config: server.modules = ( “mod_compress” ) #… etag.use-mtime = “enable” etag.use-inode = “disable” static-file.etags … Read more