installing gtk-sharp2 on Centos7

I’m trying to instal (on centOS 7) this package but I got this error below ( I admit that I’m a novice with yum as well): sudo yum install gtk-sharp2 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, priorities, protectbase Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * elrepo: * epel: * extras: * … Read more

remove gtk2-packages on centos server

I recently discovered that gtk2 is installed on my centos server. because I only connect to the server through PuTTY it’s a waste of disk space. so i just wanted to know what packages should be removed. Answer GTK2 was installed as dependency of the development tools-group. Since I need the build-tools quite frequently I … Read more

over ssh, After some minutes Gtk-WARNING

I connect to a server over ssh with ssh -CX server ok, And I launch remote graphical apps, ok. But after some minutes I get Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display And I have to reset the ssh connection. Added some outputs $ echo $DISPLAY; echo $XAUTHORITY localhost:11.0 $ xauth list machine/unix:12 machine/unix:10 machine/unix:11 Answer I … Read more

Failed to load module pk-gtk-module

I am running RHEL6 and I am sshing into a linux server. Every time I open gvim or emacs, I get this error $ gvim Gtk-Message: Failed to load module “pk-gtk-module”: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory The error is harmless first couple of times but the third or fourth … Read more

GTK apps no longer render text

I am using virt-manager on Debian Jessie. A few weeks ago, it was working fine for me; however now when I run it, the text does not render correctly. I have tried reinstalling all of the dejavu fonts, liberation fonts, run fc-cache, rebooted the system, even reinstalled libvirt and virt-manager. No dice. This issue is … Read more

AuthInfoRequired cups overwrites

My problem is basically identical to the following: Put simply, I have a machine in ubuntu trying to connect to another ubuntu machine via a network in order to use the printer attached. There is no problem printing until I restart the guest machine. Immediately it overwrites the printers.conf file (under /etc/cups/printers.conf). It always … Read more

Gtk Warning: cannot open display: :0 (for local user!)

I know there is a bunch of similar questions around but they are all about a X-Forewarding and SSH sessions. I got this problem with a local user which is privileged for a specific script… The Problem Under ubuntu 16.04 I want a specific user guest to be able to run one specific script /usr/sbin/ … Read more

GTK applications fail to start – xfs restart needed Options

After a recent update (Xorg was updated among other things), GTK apps stopped running in my kde4. I have a Debian unstable, updated around 22 April. When I try to run them I get the following error: ga@grzes:~$ iceweasel The program ‘firefox-bin’ received an X Window System error. This probably reflects a bug in the … Read more