How can I customize the notification from Google Notifier and Google+Growl?

As best I can tell, Google and Growl use the Google Notifier Growl notification instead of displaying its own. The GrowlMail plugin lets you configure what info is displayed upon receipt of a new message. Is there a way to configure what is displayed by the Google Notifier a la GrowlMail–in other words, to choose … Read more

Mac – A Twitter client without growl

What’s is the best OS X Twitter client that doesn’t use Growl? I’m looking for something like the old Adobe Air Tweetdeck, with tweet notifications in a window with clickable links and options to reply tweet in notification window. Answer If you go to System Preferences -> Growl and select the Applications tab across the … Read more

run growlnotify over ssh

I am trying to run growl notify over ssh like so ssh andrew@ “growlnotify -m test” is run I get bash: growlnotify command not found however running it straight from the mac it runs fine am I missing something simple or is there a really complex reason this won’t work? ps. ssh keys are enabled … Read more

How to pass AppleScripts display dialog to Growl or growlnotify?

I have this simple AppleScript which takes the text in the clipboard and outputs the amount of words and characters used. What I’m trying to do is passing “display dialog” to Growl or growlnotify. I know how to use growlnotify in the shell – it’s great and highly customizable (stick note, assign app icon or … Read more

How can I pause growl notifications via Terminal/Shell?

I was wondering if there was a way I could pause (hide) growl notifications from the command line? Failing that, is there a way to do this with an AppleScript? Answer The following should work with support for assistive devices enabled, unfortunately, it doesn’t for me. But on my machine, even the regular menu item … Read more

How do I configure or extend iTunes (on Mac OS X) to send a Growl notification when it’s finished burning a CD?

Is it possible to get a iTunes to send a (Mac OS X) Growl notification when it’s finished burning a CD? (GrowlTunes doesn’t do that.) How? Update: Can an AppleScript query iTunes on whether it’s finished burning? Then an AppleScript could poll iTunes and issue a Growl notification when it’s done. Answer Not unless you … Read more

Snow Leopard error: “no default application specified to open the document Growl.prefPane”

Why would this error occur when attempting to install Growl? And what should I do to get past this issue? There is no default application specified to open the document Growl.prefPane First, I tried upgrading Growl and received that message. I then uninstalled Growl, tried doing a fresh install, and still received it. I also … Read more