Vim Plugin limelight not working with vim in the gnome terminal

all. I am using the gnome-terminal 3.26.1 and vim 8.0.1176. Installing Limelight worked, but when i want to start it, i get the error message in the gnome-terminal Unsupported Terminal. Sorry Limelight works on terminals that support 256 colors. As far as i know gnome-terminal supports that many colors. When i use vim inside xfce4-terminal … Read more

Open a gnome terminal through a bash script and call and run an aliased command

I am trying to write a bash script that opens a new gnome terminal window and runs an aliased command. I have seen that instead of using aliases using a function is the proper way to go. I have tried both approaches but I can’t get it to work though, as I am getting an … Read more