Why does my screenshot look terrible when previewed in Windows Photo Viewer?

I recently came across an issue that turned out to be much simpler than it was, and I thought I’d document it here. Maybe everyone but me is aware of how Photo Viewer works, but just in case, I thought it would be worth documenting. I was working on a current programming project, which of … Read more

How can I disable CSS scrollbars before taking a screenshot in Firefox?

If I take a full-page screenshot of a Wikipedia page I get the whole page of text, including content that is not currently visible in the Firefox window. If I print the page to PDF, I also get all the content. However, if a web page has CSS scrollbars then even a full-page screenshot is … Read more

Win + Shift + S to take screen clippings — OneNote cannot save the screen clipping in the target section

Recently when I use the shortcut windowskey + s + shift to take a screen clipping they are occasionally not getting saved into the OneNote notebook I have them all set to go to. Of the last 10 screen clippings, this has happened 3 times. If I notice, I can press control + V to … Read more

How can convert script.log and time.txt into a gif file?

I make typescript of terminal session with script command. script –timing=time.txt script.log #do something #then ctrl+d And play it with scriptreplay. scriptreplay –timing=time.txt script.log How can convert script.log and time.txt into a gif file? Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : scrapy , Answer Author : Community

“Window snip” missing from Windows 10 screenshot utility

I first used Windows 10 on my home PC, and as such I didn’t even know window snip feature existed. This is what my Shift+Win+S screenshot menu looks at home: But at work I see: Both systems are running Windows 10 Pro. Is there a hidden setting? Why can’t I have window snip at home? … Read more

Can I get Windows to automatically save my screenshots?

Various tips sites indicate that screenshots taken by pressing, for example, WIN-SHIFT-S or PrintScreen are supposed to show up in a Screenshots subdirectory of the Pictures directory in my home folder. However, on my quite new installation of Windows 10, they don’t get saved there and are just kept in the clipboard, so I have … Read more