Ubuntu server GUI without internet

I’m new to linux but I know about the startx command which is not working. I just installed Ubuntu Server (the newest version) on a old computer. I have it working but I am unable to launch the gui. I cannot connect to the internet because I don’t have a network adapter. How would I … Read more

setting global font scaling (which will affect menu bars, editors, such as gvim) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: How do I change fonts and adjust their size? (13 answers) Closed 6 years ago. I remember setting something that affected the font size in GUI elements such as menu bars as well as text areas in editors (such as the default font setting in gvim). I tried to … Read more

Added `export` command in `.bashrc` to update PATH with binary location — GUI apps don’t know about update even though terminal does?

I had to add an: export PATH=”/path/to/my/bin:$PATH” to my bash.rc, for progA‘s binary library location. Now, whenever I start a GNOME Terminal instance, I can type progA and hit return and the right binary is executed. However, if I run progA through a GUI launched app, my system fumbles and doesn’t know where progA‘s bin … Read more

create a calculator with Powershell GUI

So hello guys Im trying to creat a calculator. So far I have the GUI finished. But i Need some help with the backgroundfunctions. Example: i type on the buttons 5+6. Now when i press “=” it should set the input of the TextBox into a variable and then calculate it out. Has somebody an … Read more

How to remove or hide button on Microsoft Office (2007) ribbon

I am using Microsoft Excel 2007.  Can I permanently remove or hide the “Filter” button? – I don’t want to use that button. Answer I don’t believe this can be done via the UI in Excel 2007. But Excel 2010 and later you can do this by right clicking the ribbon and clicking “Customize Ribbon” … Read more