PDF Search in Persian Language

My issue is about searching inside a PDF file for a text which is in Persian language. I tried Foxit, Adobe Acrobat, Google Chrome, ABBYY. All i got was the issue that these software can not detect Persian texts. As far as i studied, it is mostly about OCR (Optical Character Recognition) that they do … Read more

How to do a wildcard search inside a pdf file using adobe acrobat DC or foxit

Main question Im trying to find historic dates(1974,1963 etc) in a pdf file which are located randomly using Adobe Acrobat DC or Foxit pdf veiwer Attempts to solve currently adobe website states that it doesnt support wildcard search, and aslo i tried using 19** it didnt match to anything and when i tried using just … Read more

Running a wine application when user selects a file

I’ve installed Foxit Reader in Debian with Wine. I’ve tried running a custom command in open with menu in gnome, but how is it possible to pass the name of the pdf file to the Foxit Reader via the custom command ?. Answer adding this in “open with” should work wine /path/to/your/application AttributionSource : Link … Read more

Running a wine application when user selects a file

I’ve installed Foxit Reader in Debian with Wine. I’ve tried running a custom command in open with menu in gnome, but how is it possible to pass the name of the pdf file to the Foxit Reader via the custom command ?. Answer adding this in “open with” should work wine /path/to/your/application AttributionSource : Link … Read more