Closed Lid & External Monitor

I would like to work on a monitor connected to my laptop with closed lid. I can change laptop’s behavior to “Do nothing” when the lid is closed and everything works perfectly (just my account log out while closing lid). But this behavior is not desired. I want the laptop to suspend after lid is … Read more

No audio when plugging external monitor through HDMI

If I plug my external monitor through HDMI, I lose audio in my laptop. My external monitor doesn’t have audio, so I want to keep the audio in the laptop’s speakers. How can I do that? Answer Go to the sound menu at the top of the screen and click preferences. Alternatively, execute the command … Read more

Can’t use external monitor via HDMI [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Ask Ubuntu. Closed 9 years ago. Improve this question I have an external monitor that is connected to my laptop via HDMI. I just upgraded to Natty and I can no longer … Read more

Bumblebee and Nvidia Settings: external monitor [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center. Closed 8 years … Read more

How do I create a custom resolution for an external monitor?

I currently trying to add the resolution 1216×676 for my external monitor which is connected via HDMI-1. I’m following the guide found at Here are the commands I’ve tried: $cvt 1216 676 60 output is # 1216×676 59.87 Hz (CVT) hsync: 42.09 kHz; pclk: 66.00 MHz Modeline “1216x676_60.00” 66.00 1216 1272 1392 1568 676 … Read more

How to keep application running on external monitor when ubuntu locked

I would like to keep a dashboard-style app running full-screen on one of my monitors while I’m away from my computer. (And the computer is locked.) I don’t need any user input in the application, I’d just like at least one monitor to not switch off after a while when my computer is locked. Has … Read more

How to fix: too short external monitor’s resolution after HDMI reconnect until reboot?

I am working on a notebook with external monitor via HDMI and experiencing the same problem each day – in one specific case the external monitor’s resolution is not set correctly – gets 1600×1200 instead of 1920×1200 and can’t be picked from GUI, but the correct max resolution is shown in AMD control Center – … Read more

External display is being overlapped by laptop display. Blue edges

I seem to be having difficulty setting Ubuntu up to run on an external monitor for use as a HTPC/XBMC box. No matter what settings I apply I am unable to have the laptop display remain in a position that is not directly overlapping my external display.When it overlaps the desktop quite literally moves and … Read more