Automatically prepend executable Perl scripts using .htaccess (like php_value auto_prepend_file)?

I have previously built sites using PHP, where I automatically included header and footer html using the following lines in .htaccess on an Apache host: php_value auto_prepend_file “/var/www/html/parts/header.htm” php_value auto_append_file “/var/www/html/parts/footer.htm” In these files I could put executable PHP code. My current project is written in Perl, not in PHP. Is there any way to … Read more

How to get from executable to Windows Service Name (WIndows 7)

I am aware that under windows 7 the command-line commands… tasklist gets me processes (including services) currently running by it’s executable name net start shows me all the display names of started services. (“pretty” display names, not the shorter, space-less service names) What I would like to achieve on the command line is from executable … Read more

Create Widows Service from batch or exe file

I need to distribute some app to all our stations without users having the ability to close the app. The app jumps on users’ screen and notifies them to restart the computer, and I don’t want users to be able to close this app through task manager. Our users all have local admin privileges, and … Read more

How to run an executable of linux/windows server from browser?

Suppose the uri of that executable is known: Will it be executed if we just type it in the address bar? Answer The answer is “it depends.” If your executable is within the web root and has been configured to run as a CGI and has the correct permissions set, then yes, it will run. … Read more

binary executable working in centos but not in ubuntu

I was trying to install weblogic 9 to test if an application is working correctly when migrated from a previous release. I downloaded the “Oracle WebLogic Server 9.2 MP3” and I was able to install it normally in CentOS 5.5 [jason@centos5]$ uname Linux #1 SMP Thu Jul 22 18:04:40 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 … Read more

Policy exception for Windows User Account Controls and Update.exe

So… Apparently Windows has a list of filenames that require extra rights to run, included in this list is Update.exe, which happens to be the name of the file I’d like my clients to run without appealing to UAC. I’d like to not give the advice “Just turn off UAC”. Is there a place in … Read more

Can’t run an executable under Linux

I chmod 777’ed an executable and trying to execute it like this: /home/gandalf/./sample but it doesn’t work /bin/bash: line 25: ./sample: Permission denied What can be the problem? Thanks. Answer Seems like ./sample is a wrapper script for something else, and is calling another script/program on line 25 that you do not have execute permissions … Read more

How to write a script to install multiple things by just executing it

I have a server (centOS) on which I would like to install the staple development tools. Java, Tomcat, and MySql. What is a good way to write a script that can be ran on newly spawned server so that this isn’t done manually on each new server. Would a bash script work best for this … Read more

A file that exists doesn’t exist. (Bash claims a file exists when it doesn’t.)

root@omega-15:/var/unreal/src# find ./ircd ./ircd root@omega-15:/var/unreal/src# ./ircd bash: ./ircd: No such file or directory What the hell is this? Bash thinks that the file doesn’t exist, when it obviously does. -rwxr-xr-x 1 unreal unreal 2075069 Jul 20 04:01 ircd ircd: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux … Read more