How do I use ‘notify-send’ to immediately replace an existing notification?

When I use notify-send to show a notification on the desktop, and then use it again to show a different notification, I have noticed that the second one only shows after the first one has disappeared. Is there a way to get notify-send to immediately replace an existing notification with a different one? Answer You … Read more

Where do I find system sounds?

After installing gm-notify I see the option of hearing a sound every time a new e-mail arrives in my Gmail inbox, but I don’t know where Ubuntu (10.4) stores the system sounds to assign one. Any ideas? Thanks. Answer /usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts would be a good place to find sounds for this purpose. /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu is a sound … Read more

Notify-osd notifications appear unthemed in top-left corner

Problem I recently upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10, and suddenly notification bubbles don’t appear themed as usual in the upper right corner, but they appear as white text on blue background in the upper-left corner. It looks like this: Unsuccesful attempts to fix it I tried reinstalling unity, notify-osd, ubuntu-desktop removed notification-daemon which was installed, … Read more

How can I customize/disable notification bubbles?

Is there a way you can disable or customize the notification bubbles on Lucid? Answer Yes you can, using a tool called Notify OSD Configuration. If you want to disable them rename the file /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service: sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service{,.disabled} To re-enable: sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service{.disabled,} You need to restart your computer after either one of these changes … Read more

How to get the “Your battery is broken” message to go away?

Every time I turn on my computer, I see a message saying something like: Your battery may be old or broken. I am already aware that my battery is bad. How do I suppress this message? Answer Maybe these instructions will help you to get rid of that message. Added instructions from the link, Alt+F2, … Read more

Desktop notification when long running commands complete

I’d like to have a desktop notification whenever a command that has run for more than, say 15 seconds, finishes in an interactive shell. In other words, I would like all commands to be wrapped in something like this start=$(date +%s); ORIGINAL_COMMAND; [ $(($(date +%s) – start)) -le 15 ] || notify-send “Long running command … Read more

Remove Spotify pop-up notification when a song starts

I would like to remove the bubble notifications of Spotify that are shown when a new song is being played. This is quite distracting while you are working. I still like the integration within the volume menu. Ubuntu Version: 14.04 Spotify Version: Answer Exit Spotify, then edit ~/.config/spotify/Users/[Spotify user name]-user/prefs and set ui.track_notifications_enabled=false AttributionSource … Read more

Disable “Mouse battery low” spam notification

Countless times over the past few weeks I have been notified about the low battery in my wireless mouse. Every time it wakes up from sleeping mode and reconnects over Bluetooth I get a notification. I have gotten hundreds of notifications. I do not want them and I do not need them. Yes, battery is … Read more