Client notifications in a domain

We are interested in sending notifications to our user clients in a windows domain. So for example before restarting the file server (windows server 2016) we would like to inform (with a pop-up or so on their desktops) all online users that a restart will happen. Is this possible with integrated tools or third-party software? … Read more

Windows UAC disabled but I’m still getting the elevation pop-up

I have UAC disabled on my Windows 2008R2. Why am I still getting UAC “Windows needs your permission to continue” window before trying to change Owner of a folder? My user is a member of the Administrators group Thanks Update: I forgot to mention that Windows 2008R2 server is a member of a domain controlled … Read more

Desktop notifications for failed cron jobs on Ubuntu/Unity

How can I receive notifications of failed cron jobs via my Unity desktop environment? The age-old solution of having cron send emails is problematic as my ISP doesn’t provide an SMTP server, and it’s almost certain that my residential IP will be blacklisted. Sending mails locally to my own /var/mail/$USER spool file seems perfect, but … Read more

Windows 10 – Disable warning notification about disabled firewall via GPO

Is there a way to disable the warning that is displayed in the notifications area, telling you that the Windows firewall is disabled? Edit: We would specifically like to achieve this via group policy, not a manual process. We disable the Domain firewall profile via GPO, which means Windows 10 machines constantly put warning notifications … Read more

notify-send not working, seems many bugs [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Notify-send ignores timeout? (7 answers) Closed 6 years ago. i’m trying to create notification script but it doesnt work. When i click for example “control+alt+m” it should pop notification which it does, but its like default and i cant change anything. I tried to use some of commands for … Read more

How to enable Empathy chat room notifications?

Is it possible in Empathy (Ubuntu 11.10, gnome-shell) to receive notifications when somebody posts a message to a chat room? I have checked the “Enable bubble notifications” box under edit > preferences. I currently receive notifications for direct messages from my colleagues, but not when somebody posts to the chat room. Answer It does not … Read more

How can I configure Gnome Shell Notification settings?

I couldn’t find where I can change Gnome Shell notification settings. I clicked the button that appears with “Don’t Show Again” (or something like that) label on a notification, and now when that notification appears, it never disappears until I click on that. Where is the configuration window of Gnome Shell notifications? Answer There is … Read more

“Failed to load session “ubuntu”” problem

I run Ubuntu 12.04. After installation I have disabled guest account, removed error notification, gave myself super user rights. I made some applications in /usr/applications useable only for me, created standard user account. Then I pressed restart in shut down menu, but system just logged off. After rebooting by Terminal there was “Failed to load … Read more

How To keep web apps running in messaging menu?

Ubuntu 12.10 introduced all sort of web apps, and some of them get added to the messaging menu. My question however is the following. These web apps must remain open in a tab, for the messaging menu to keep count of your unread messages. Is there a way to keep the count going, even with … Read more