Does nagios XI support notifcations based on a threshold percentage of the number of services in a hostgroup that are in a critical state?

Say there’s a hostgroup defined on a Nagios server; and that hostgroup has a notification set up to go off when a certain service or services reach a critical state then a notification email will be sent out to a contact stating that it should be looked at. Does this sort of functionalty exist in … Read more

Nagios notifications coming from NRPE client machine (NOT the Nagios server)

I have Nagios running on a Debian Jessie master server, with NRPE running on a Debian client. The root@localhost is getting a slew of emails – apparently originating from Nagios (NRPE) on the client, versus being sent by the Nagios master server. As a troubleshooting step, I disabled all notifications on the Nagios master server … Read more

“Tags” blade during Azure Notificaiton Hubs setup

I’m setting up a new Notification Hub and I’ve come across a new tab/blade that I’m unsure what to do with. I don’t recall seeing this blade in the past. I understand the notion of “tags” as a means of categorizing your notification recipient groups. Using this, I should be able to dispatch to select … Read more

Naemon still sending DOWN notifications for removed host

I shutdown an old web server, and immediately started receiving DOWN notifications from Naemon. Now I have removed that host entirely from the Naemon config, and restarted the Naemon service. Yet I continue to receive DOWN notifications every hour. How do I stop these? The whole Naemon configuration is almost 2000 lines, so much too … Read more

Icinga2: How to do notification in waves?

I am currently setting up my Icinga2 in a new structure and wanted to add a few features. I am done with 90% but I miss exactly one feature: Notify me in a wave. Let me explain: Whenever an error happens I am wanting the following scenario: instant: send mail after 5 minutes: send Chat … Read more

How to send pending shutdown message to systemd services

I’m using Fedora CoreOS with the automatic updater enabled, which is great for my use case. Already, when logged in interactively, the system warns about an imminent shutdown/restart via the console, with the same mechanisms described in the answers like Sending shutdown messages to all clients from server However, the “actual” users of this server … Read more

Mail when root logs in but not from local host

I followed these instructions How to Get Root and User SSH Login Email Alerts You have to add this code to .bashrc `echo ‘ALERT – Root Shell Access (ServerName) on:’ `date` `who` | mail -s “Alert: Root Access from `who | cut -d'(‘ -f2 | cut -d’)’ -f1`”` I do get the notifications but … Read more

What are some good patterns for cleaning up noisy logging alerts

In addition to traditional logging from applications going into e.g. Elasticsearch, an organisation may have an alerting system “Sentry” that receives log messages/exception events sent by applications over HTTP, and notifies developers of potential problems. Suppose that Sentry now contains not only “actionable” events (e.g. error connecting to the database. Devops should investigate), but has … Read more

Suppress windows ‘updates are available’ notification on server 2012

In our test environment, we approve updates in WSUS and all machine in the test OU are set to automatically download and notify to install these updates. The scheduled install time is Saturday night, but throughout the week I keep seeing an ‘updates are available’ full screen notification on every test machine I sign in … Read more