Is it a sufficient emergency security measure to send an immediate mail notification when someone logs in through ssh?

Send me an e-mail whenever someone logs in via SSH Talking about this here, is this enough to prevent any damage (or more, being able to limit it through being notified of it) to your server should someone actually manage to log in? Additional questions: Are there other ways of intrusion you will not be … Read more

Icinga2: How to control if master or satellite notifies?

I created an apply rule for notifications within an Icinga2 global zone: apply Notification “mail-icingaadmin” to Service { import “mail-service-notification” user_groups = [“icingaadmins”] assign where host.vars.notification_type == “mail” } This works. In my setup, there is a master and a satellite node, both with the notification feature enabled. I now want to control which node … Read more

GMail and Yahoo not accepting DSN option from RCPT extended commands

i’m sending mail from my mail server using python sendmail along with NOTIFY,RET,ENVID options. When i send a mail in above said procedure to an outlook mail id i’m receiving dsn. But when i send a mail to either gmail or yahoo im not receiving dsn. SMTP log when sent to outlook send: ‘ehlo ip-172-31-89-244.ec2.internal\r\n’ … Read more

Check_MK: Custom User Notification goes to all users not to the one in Contact Groups

I would like to kindly ask for some advice. I have configuration that looks like this: Users are in Contact Groups. In Host Folders I have permissions to Contact Groups. And Hosts inherits this setting from folders That works fine for Global Notification Rules But I Have SMS notifications with different time periods defined. So … Read more

DPM Setup is unable to update the report server configuration to configure e-mail settings. (ID: 3040)

On my System Center 2019 Data Protection Manager Server (with Update Rollup 2 installed) I try to enable e-mail notifications. Whenever I click on OK after entering all details in the SMTP Server tab, I get the following error message: DPM Setup is unable to update the report server configuration to configure e-mail settings. (ID: … Read more

Windows Defender for Antivirus – Customize Text Notification

Config Manager and client alerts We like to change the wording in the notifications for Windows Defender for Antivirus. Not sure this is possible. First area – Client, Change the wording on the local machine pop-up notification for Virus & Threat protection – Threat found notification. Can this be done? Second Area – ConfigManager, Change … Read more

check_mk BI notifications

I’m trying to configure Check_MK 1.2.8p20 (multisite-enabled) to work with BI notifications. I’ve set up the service account, have my aggregations working, but, upon check, I receive: ERROR: Invalid json response (invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)): <!DOCTYPE HTML> The long output produced by the agg check is the HTML for the login page as follows: … Read more