Unable to create cloud KMS encrypted PVC in GCP: googleapi: Error 400: Invalid resource usage

I’m trying to set up CMEK in my cluster as per the details mentioned here: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/dynamic-provisioning-cmek#dynamically_provision_an_encrypted I have deployed the Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI Driver to my cluster as per the steps mentioned in: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver/blob/master/docs/kubernetes/development.md I have then created the key/key ring and have created the below storage class: apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: … Read more

Windows software raid drives deactivated

Not sure what to make of this behaviour, but here goes. I have 3 Seagate 4 T drives in a windows 2012 r2 server in a software raid 5. Recently, I logged onto the server to see that 2 disks (specifically the disks in sata slot 1 and 2) were deactivated. I reactivated the drives, … Read more

Windows Server 2008 R2 with Mirrored Disk Booting to Black Screen

I’ve got a Windows Server 2008 R2 device with 2 disks formatted as Dynamic Mirrored disks booting to a black screen. Upon booting the machine goes through the standard checks and then gets stuck at a black screen just before where the Windows loading bar would typically appear. I’ve tried numerous reboots, removing one of … Read more

VMWare with physical partions in a dynamic disk?

Background: Host OS is Windows Vista. Guest OS is Ubuntu VMWare can give direct access to a guest OS to a physical disk partition, so say my disk has two partitions, the first is NTFS and has windows on it, and the second is EXT3, obviously not readable from windows. I can then run VMWare, … Read more

what are VMware P2V dynamic disk best practices?

We are trying to figure out the best way to do a P2V on one of our main file servers (windows server 2003). Currently the server is physical with an MD1000 hard drive array attached through scsi, we have about 2.5TB of data, on the data volume of the server. I know I can’t make … Read more

3TB HD reduces to 752GB when converted from basic to dynamic

Our surveillance server running Windows2008r2 (standard), had a software RAID5 of five 1TB HDs. Ran well for 2 years, till one drive died last week. Decided to “upgrade” and increase room to five newer, larger drives, 3TB each. Each drive is initialized as GPT, formats, is viewed and usable just fine. But when converting to … Read more

ddrescue – retry bad sectors starting from the end of the disk

How can I attempt to read bad sectors from the end of the disk, using ddrescue? I have dynamic volumes and the LDR is kept at the end of the disk, unlike MBR. I remember that I’ve tried –reverse but it changed the direction from the last tried position(basically going back towards the starting point, … Read more

Windows-Server-2019 – Raid 1 Software – Could not convert Disk to Dynamic security enabled on Disk

I installed a fresh Windows Server 2019 on ONE of two identical Crucial CT1000MX500SSD1M. I don’t have an integrated RAID controller on my MB ASUS_H110m-A/M.2 so I wanted to try a software RAID 1, just mirroring. How I read everywere, is quite simple to do it, just open Disk Management and do these simple 2 … Read more

Disk read error after converting basic disk to dynamic disk?

I have a bit of an odd setup. Basically, originally in the server was an older lone 160G harddrive. We’ve decided to upgrade it to a RAID-1 mirrored 2 disk setup against two new 500G harddrives. It’d save a lot of time if we didn’t have to reinstall server, so I decided I’d give cloning … Read more