How to install .Net 4.6.2 on windows 2012r2

We have hundreds of IIS web servers with .Net 3.x and 4.0 installed using using dism.exe on windows 2012r2 (via chef) powershell command dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX4 chef resource windows_feature ‘NetFx4’ do action :install end This only installs up to 4.6.0 gci ‘HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP’ -recurse | gp -name Version,Release -EA 0 | where { … Read more

Reinstall default Windows Appx packages

We are uninstalling most Appx packages for our users upon deployment of Windows 10 machines. We are using something like this two-liner is sufficient to get rid of most UWP apps on the systems: # remove the “provisioning” of packages for new users Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | % { Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackageName $_.PackageName } # delete … Read more

Windows 10, multiple services crash when opening Windows Update

Over the past few days, an error seems to have developed on my Windows 10 Professional (anniversary update) workstation, whereby when opening the Update section of the Modern Settings app, loads of services instantly crash. NOTE: No updates were installed over the weekend, and I have made no changes within the past week or two. … Read more

DISM inject drivers into WIM gives error 2

I have just installed a reference windows 7 x64 machine, sysprep-ed it, went into WinPE mode and captured boot.wim image using ImageX. I then moved the boot.wim to my local PC under c:\wim, and try to inject drivers into it, before I deploy the new boot.wim to other machines. However I got an error 2: … Read more

How do I create a fully patched installation of Windows 2008 to use during upgrades from Windows 2003?

I need to upgrade some VMs due to the EOL of 2003. Many VMs can just be replaced with current version, but some are so old that it is easier to just try an upgrade and fallback if it doesn’t work. There are two groups: Windows 2003SP2/R2 (32-bit) to Windows 2008 SP2 (32-bit) Windows 2003Sp2/R2 … Read more

Windows PE3.0 does not detect SSD — Driver Injection

I’m having an issue with getting Windows PE 3.0 to recognize hard drive. At least I think this is the problem. I’m attempting to boot a Dell Latitude E7470 Solid State Drive, Windows 7 64-bit machine from a WINPE3.0 USB thumb drive. Initially, before I dug into injecting drivers, I would plug in USB and … Read more