How do I configure Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol to return a FTP server’s IP address along with the interface IP address?

Given that there is a dhcp client, a relay agent and dhcp server. There is also another ftp server. Requirement is that the client starts the DORA process and the server responds with IP address and also sends the ftp server’s address. Is there any configuration or DHCP option available to achieve this? Thanks Answer … Read more

classes declaration inside of subnets in isc dhcp

I would like to use class declarations based on a subnet scope, is that allowed? Or are all classes global scope? here is my dhcp.conf snippet: subnet netmask { authoritative; option domain-name-servers; option routers; option subnet-mask; class “Cisco AP c1240 22nd fl” { match if option vendor-class-identifier = “Cisco AP … Read more

DHCP server assigning same IP address even if Computer is connected in different VLAN

DHCP Server OS – Windows Server Standard 2008 R2 DHCP Client OS – Windows 7, Linux based OS etc.. I have configured DHCP Server on Windows Server Standard 2008 R2 with SuperScope. Let assume that i have two Scope in SuperScope. VLAN 8 and VLAN 7. and with help of IP helper command i have … Read more

dhcpd daemon taking huge amount of memory and restarting with out of memory error

I have to configure isc-dhcp-server for 1 million clients which listens on 4094 vlan tagged interfaces, where each vlan interface is mapped to a subnet declaration. Therefore in total 4094 subnet declarations in conf file with 253 clients in each subnet pool. What I am observing is that dhcpd daemon is taking huge amount of … Read more

Option 81 in DHCP

Just curious about this. When we enable option 81 on a DHCP network, the DHCP server will start updating the zone that comes along with the client’s FQDN. Now, how would client will ever know its domain even before getting an IP address? My apologies if the question sounds dumb. Thanks in advance, everyone. Answer … Read more

How to add more than 32 routes to isc-dhcp-server and separate them to 2 fields?

Is there any way to add long list routes to server? Actually now I can add only 32 routes because we have only 1 octet for them. After adding more than 32 routes I received “Malformed packet” by Wireshark. But Iam sure that I can add more than 32 routes because of this pic Which … Read more

Alpine Linux is not sending hostname to dhcp server

When alpine linux asks for ipv4 address from dhcp server, it is not sending hostname to dhcp server. So I cant access by server’s hostname in LAN. Here is my setup I am using Alpine Linux 3.12 on my VM (not container), and arch is aarch64. The router runs openwrt 19.07.3 and BusyBox is v1.31.1 … Read more

How to include vendor-specific option 17 suboptions 11, 12 and 13 in DHCPv6 solicit/request using dhclient

My request is to include option 17 sub-options 11, 12 and 13 in DHCPv6 solicit/request and I configured the same in dhclient6.conf on my Ubuntu as below. send dhcp6.vendor-opts 00:00:0d:e9:00:0b:00:06:42:44:56:45:52:30:00:0c:00:03:6c:61:6e:00:0d:00:06:76:61:61:75:61:39; From packet trace I can see option 17 in solicit/request but sub-options are not proper and I guess not encapsulated. Output snippet from tshark: Vendor-specific … Read more