Azure: How to reach my Ubuntu server in the Browser?

I have created an Ubuntu server on Azure and installed GoCD, a continuous delivery software, on it via PuTTY. Usually, when GoCD is installed locally, it can be reached via http://localhost:8153/go (similiar to if you install Apache Tomcat). But what must I type in the URL bar in order to reach my Go installation on … Read more

We need limitted functionality like automated installation. Which virtualization is better for us? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question We are about to buy a server and we want to make it as our Virtualization environment. This server will be in isolated … Read more

Setting up Hudson on ec2 and configuring with web gui

I would like to setup hudson on a ec2 micro linux instance. My question is exactly how to configure hudson after i install it remotely via ssh on the ec2 instance. I would like to configure using the hudson web gui. When I have done this locally, this was available at http://localhost:8080/hudson. what about through … Read more

Github CI/CD/Branching to external server?

We have a repo in a strict development environment and private webserver residing in /var/www/dev/repo. We want any branches that are created to automatically be created and added to /var/www/branches/feature-coolfeature and auto-based on the master-branch (or the “base on branch”). This way we can very easily load, codewise, the new branch in to our /var/www/dev/repo … Read more

Docker login from GitLab CI without possibility to access Docker registry password from .gitlab-ci.yaml?

I’m trying to set up a CI environment to build and push a Docker image for a project. The Docker registry I’m trying to push to is a private registry that requires me to log in. I can log in to the registry using the docker login my-registry command. I cannot change the configuration of … Read more

How to start Hudson with the existing configuration?

I had Hudson running via: cd /usr/lib/hudson java -jar hudson.war Unfortunately, I restarted that server and on accessing the Hudson Url, I found that all the configuration is missing. However, I can see that all the configuration files were saved under ~/.hudson Has anyone run into this before? How can I restart Hudson and point … Read more

Jenkins CI fails to initialise

I’ve just installed Jenkins-CI on Ubuntu 11.10 as according to the instructions found here, However the service fails to start. The error log shows this: Running from: /usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.war 10 Jun 2012 16:24:06 winstone.Logger logInternal INFO: Beginning extraction from war file 10 Jun 2012 16:24:10 hudson.WebAppMain contextInitialized SEVERE: Failed to initialize Jenkins java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError The entire error … Read more

Jenkins post-test action when test succeeds: pull changes and restart play server

I currently have a server, running a Play Framework instance. The source code of this Play website is located into a GitHub repository. When the repo gets changed, it pokes Jenkins to pull and test the new source files. What I like to do now, it saying something like ‘if the build succeeds, pull the … Read more