Guest access through hotspots (proxies with a ToS to accept) don’t consistently work [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question I’ve noticed that certain websites (Facebook) don’t reliably initiate a hotspot login when compared to others ( In other words, when a user … Read more

Make a copy of email using pipe in postfix alongside 1 content_filter

I am using postfix and already usHi. I am using postfix and already using a script as a content_filter which re-injects back to smtpd to all users, but before this happens, I would like to make a copy of the email as well. Do I need multiple content_filters? This does not need to get re-injected … Read more

Whitelisting Google Recaptcha

Barracuda Web Filter blocking the Google Recaptcha on one of our vendors sites. We have tested with an unfiltered user to verify that it’s the webfilter blocking Searched for what to whitelist, the closest I got was a google groups post in 2015 listing these sites, but this information seems to be out of date … Read more

Prevent users to download web-contents with url and network exceptions via GPO

We have server 2003, AD domain. Our clients XP, and W7 with IE7 IE8 browsers. We use two types of internet. Use the internet inside the company network, and use mobile-net at home, with the same machines. (typically laptops, pda..) is possible to prevent download some content when user inside in the company network? … Read more

Exchange 2010 Global “Safe Senders” list, avoid blocking images from corporate domain?

I’ve created an email template that is used in our Process Automation software to send out email updates for various reasons. I’ve included our corporate logo via an IMG tag with a src pointing to our corporate site. (ex, The problem is, Outlook blocks the image and requires users to click “download images” or … Read more

DansGuardian: content regexp list for exact sites, how?

We have contentregexplist file where we can write all substitutions like “source regex”->”dest string” And they ALL run for each page. Is it possible somehow to define a domain name(s) for which (only for 1 domain! not every page) some regexps should be looked for? To be clear: How to replace “Google”->”garbage” in page source … Read more

Is it possible to filter/edit web content using Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd?

Is it possible to use any of the following HTTP servers: Apache, Nginx or Lighttpd as a proxy to make the following: Disallow certain HTTP bodies (web pages) based on their content (e. g., words) Substitute certain content with another (e. g., by regular expression) Not only core functionality but also modules may be used. … Read more