MariaDB service won’t start on FreeBSD jail

Just set up a dedicated database jail running databases/mariadb55-server and for some reason it won’t start on demand nor on boot. Any suggestions? # service mysql-server start Starting mysql. /usr/sbin/daemon: Permission denied /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server: WARNING: failed to start mysql Not sure what permissions this error is referring to. My environment: # env USER=root LOGNAME=root HOME=/root SHELL=/bin/csh … Read more

Simplest way to jail users for git [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for … Read more

Server Security: FTP and System Users

I’d be happy to get an advice about handling system users and ftp users on a Linux server (Ubuntu). Just want to do it right way. I have a sysUser.sysGroup and created virtual ftpUser.ftpGroup for ProFTPD server. Virtual ftp user (ftpUser) and group (ftpGroup) linked to sysUser and sysGroup $ cat /etc/passwd | grep ‘sysUser’ … Read more

uWSGI touch-reload feature not working with 100% CPU

On my development box, I have configured uWSGI to reload every time a file gets touched (using the –touch-reload command line argument). When I specify a non-existent file, I get a warning in the uWSGI logs. If I specify an existing file (say, /data/reload.uwsgi), I get nothing in the logs, meaning the settings might be … Read more

how limit php script to access parent host directory

I’ve a debian linux server with apache2.2 & php5 installed. I’ve created many virtual hosts on my apache server, each virtual host has a separate root directory & php is enabled for all of them. Now I need to limit php scripts in each virtual host in some manner that they can only read, write … Read more

Centos6.4: User home directory for sftp

Currently setting up a Centos6.4 box and are wanting to jail sftp users upon login. I’ve been following the notes here But I have one issue relating to the user home directory. This tutorial lists the ChrootDirectory as ChrootDirectory /var/www/vhosts/%u This uses the user name for the home directory. However, I have specified a … Read more

ports in freebsd jail fetching but not updating

I’ve created a jail to host my webserver/blog, but when attempting to build any port, I consistently get the message “portsnap: Directory is not writable: /usr/ports”. Attached is a screen capture of my console outputs attempting to portsnap fetch/extract/update I’m not certain how to deal with this. installing from pkg works, but I want ports … Read more

Move a Sftp User in a Subdirectory of his Jail

I’ve a question concerning the Jail explained later: User to be jailed: foo Jail Directory: /mnt/foo-jail Home directory of foo: /mnt/foo-jail/foo-home Everything is ok. Jail is up and the user is connecting correctly. The problem is: “foo” has not write-permission on his Jail directory, but he has write-permission on his Home directory. When he connects … Read more