Windows 7 Recurring Blue Screens: MEMORY_MANAGEMENT 0x1A

I have recurring BSODs that really have me scratching my head. Here’s a look at the errors: MEMORY_MANAGEMENT 0x1A (ntoskrnl.exe) – I’ve seen this 9 times since April 2012 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM 0x24 (Ntfs.sys) – this one’s new, happend 4 days ago BAD_POOL_HEADER 0x19 (win32k.sys) – also new, happened 7 days ago My system specs: Intel Core … Read more

perform a CHKDSK on an NTFS image?

I have a system with a hard drive that has a few bad sectors. I used ddrescue to recover all available sectors on the drive, but the drive continues to develop new bad sectors so I junked it. Two runs by the manufacturer tool indicated DIFFERENT blocks of bad sectors, and two passes with SpinRite … Read more

Is it sufficient to refresh an archival external HDD with chkdsk?

Some background: I have been helping my uncle, a photographer, maintain a system of storage for all his work (Terrabytes of images!). We do this by using two external hard drives for his data storage. One of them we call the “Work Horse” drive, which he uses for working on files in Photoshop etc. thoughout … Read more

Windows chkdsk replaced bad cluster – are files now corrupted?

I ran chkdsk on a drive and when it got to stage 4 (verifying file data), this message appeared for some files: Windows replaced bad clusters in file ###### of name \path\filename.ext Does this mean that these files are now corrupt? I’m mainly concerned about ISOs and executables. Unfortunately, I don’t have hashes of them … Read more

Chkdsk consistently failing due to no free space but it has 90% free space

I have a drive that I suspect is a bit borked but none of the sensors or alerts have gone off on it. Regardless I decided to move important files out of it before replacing it. But any move operations take for ever (sometimes it transfer at full speeds but then it ocassionally drops to … Read more

How often should I run CHKDSK? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for … Read more