Business Objects Enterprise – put reports under source control?

We use Business Objects Enterprise XI-R2, and there’s no built-in way to back up the individual reports. We do backups of the report file share and the database, but if somebody deletes a single report, they’re screwed unless we store everything to a standby instance and retrieve the report, which takes hours. Is anybody out … Read more

Reset passwords on Business Objects Enterprise XI

I have been given a legacy Business Objects Enterprise XI Server and nobody knows the passwords for it. How do I reset the authentication database table/config file/whatever so that I can log into the web front-end again? Currently I am prompted a web page named “Log on to InfoView” with a “Log On to BusinessObjects”/”Existing … Read more

P7b file and cer file do I need them both

I’m trying to understand why I need the chain at all (p7b). I have imported certificates previously and I didn’t need one. Can I bypass this somehow? Well I am getting an error – keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Input not an X.509 certificate java.lang.Exception: Input not an X.509 certificate at at at at … Read more

Causes for “The report source cannot be retrieved from the state object.”

Posted this on SO as well, but figured it’s more likely to be a server config issue so I’m hoping someone knows what’s going on here. I have a legacy system that has a CMS server set up to generate Crystal Reports all from the same database. Users will input the required parameters in a … Read more