NFS Shares – one IP Read/Write, rest Read-Only

I’m trying to create some NFS shares for my home network so that I can manage my NAS more easily. I’m currently using Samba for the household, but NFS is faster for me since I use Ubuntu (everyone else, except the NAS, are running Windows). What I want to do is create some NFS shares … Read more

Cannot delete file, change permissions or take ownership as admin

I have a Shuttle OmniNAS KD20 NAS that runs Samba. It’s connected to my desktop that runs Windows 10. I mapped the NAS to Z:\ and access it with user named “OmniNAS\nasuser”. Here’s the problem. I’m trying to clear off some old files that I saved with an older machine (no longer exists) but I’m … Read more

can copy large file to nas

I’m trying to recover a faulty raid and I have successfully recovered it , I’m using a software called UFS explorer to rebuild the raid 5 and I can see the files when I try to save the recovered files to my nas ( Qnap TS-569 pro, 4 X 3TB hard drives raid 0 to … Read more

RAID 5/10 setup

I am trying to setup a personal media server. I am thinking of working with RAID 5 or 10 ( I haven’t decided yet). So my questions are What would be a recommended RAID setup? I don’t need anything fancy as long as I can recover lost data if any of the HDDs fail. Do … Read more

Allow users to create folders at netowrk share, but not open others folders

I have a ReadyNas Pro4. On it I have created a shares such as “Movies”, “Music”, “Backup” etc.. The first step For these shares I would like to set some (for me) advanced privileges, which brings me to the question: Is it possible to create a share where everybody can see the folders in the … Read more

network drive mounts itself multiple times (win10, synology NAS)

I have a strange problem. One of my network drives is mounted multiple times to different drive-letters, from time to time. I have 3 network drives (git,home,common) mounted to (git)X:,(home)Y: and (common)Z:. All of those three folders are actually on the same NAS. When I boot Windows 10 there is only one drive letter mapped … Read more

Setting custom route to device in local network

I have a little problem with my local network. When laptop(marked by red arrow) tries to connect to my NAS(Zyxel NSA310) it sends file not by shortest possible route (via switch only), but instead its sending it trough router and 2 powerlines which significantly slows transfers.(I tried to connect NAS to router and acces it … Read more

Backup From Windows Server 2012 R2 (Essentials) to NAS (Synology or Qnap)

I’m new here. I saw that many of you had the same issue. You can not make a back-up of your Windows server 2012r2 over the network to a NAS. So, I hope someone fixed the problem. I just need to make back-up only at some files from the server. I will use (for server): … Read more