Determine flags used during ‘configure’ step of an installation after the fact

So in my case, I’m upgrading a Ruby install from a low patch level to a higher one. I wanted know exactly what flags, if any, were used in the previous ./configure step of the installation process. Is there a way to determine this unilaterally? At the very least, is there a way to determine … Read more

Dos/ Flood Lag even though Port not Saturated

My GameServers had been under some UDP Floods due to which they generated outputs to the attacker which gave the GameServers some huge lags. Thanks to friends at ServerFault that upon different kind of testing, I was able to successfully block the attack. My question is actually something else but it is important to know … Read more

Artificially degrade apache2 performance to meet real world conditions

I want to degrade my apache2 development server performance (it’s on a local network) to simulate real world conditions (lag, slow connections, random timeouts…). Is there any apache mod to do something similar? Answer Run ab (Apache Benchmark), tool provided with most Apache installations. It can simulate heavy load on server. Choose proper one URL … Read more

MySQL replication lag increasing

I have simple master-slave replication setup. Everything worked with no problems for more than a year. Few days ago replication lag started to rise and it’s still rising with no obvious reason. Seconds_Behind_Master is now more than 4 days and 6 hours. Both SQL and IO slave threads are working, there is no problem with … Read more

After Mavericks upgrade problems with PHPStorm [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question I upgraded to Mac OS Mavericks and since then my PHPStorm caused problems. During typing inside the editor the CPU goes up to … Read more

40 tcp clients simultaneously – extreme lag

I own a dedicated server at nuxit, which “guarantees” a 20mb connection. I run a game server there which i have programmed myself in java. The game does not consume a lot of memory/cpu/bandwith (simple games like chess), but i need to maintain tcp sockets opened during the user’s login and logout. I already pay … Read more

Nginx + php-fcgi website loads 4-5 seconds, slow issue

My website started loading for like 4-5 seconds (in peak hours) – it is almost not usable. Traffic: 40MB/s out, 6MB/s in. (almost 95% of out is downloading files 0.5-2GB large). Over 100 simultaneous connections. Machine works fine and responds without a problem, I am uploading via website very slowly, about 50KB/s and downloading 50KB/s … Read more

2x uplinks in HSRP – how to setup switch?

Our ISP provides us with 2x 10G uplinks, and they use HSRP on their end. We see incoming traffic (load balanced) on both ports, but outgoing from us is only via one port. We only run L2 on our side (Cisco Nexus 5000). Now, what is the best practice for configuring these ports in our … Read more

What is the fastest posible way to comunicate to a server on Amazon EC2?

I need to communicate via WebSockes and normal HTTP. I am trying to save some microseconds. I have already done: I got an instance at the same Amazon EC2 zone. The ping is 1 millisecond. I have translated the application from Perl to Julia. It is a very simple WebSockets application. Is it worth translating … Read more

iptables doesn’t want to log and drop simultaneously

I’m (still) trying to build an iptables firewall, but this time, I’m stuck trying to log dropped packets. Here is how I’m doing this (this code is inserted after the ACCEPT rules; $IPT represents the absolute path to iptables, here /sbin/iptables): $IPT -N LOGDROP $IPT -A LOGDROP -j LOG -m limit –limit 5/min -j LOG … Read more