Can’t get .bashrc to load

I can’t get .bashrc to load on this machine… it’s SUZE linux 10. I’m a bit frustrated because this seems very basic, create the file and it loads when you open a new shell connection. With the below setup I’m not seeing my changes take affect… any suggestions? I’ve looked over at least 8-10 threads … Read more

Sudoers, allow user to use root alias

Actually, my root have to aliases: alias unpool=’/path/to/my/scripts/’ alias pool=’/path/to/my/scripts/’ I have the same for my user in ~/.bashrc I defined my /etc/sudoers.d/user with user ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/cp user ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /path/to/my/scripts/ user ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /path/to/my/scripts/ But logged with my user, I can’t do sudo unpool, it ask me my password What can I do … Read more

How to export a file to another user’s bash while logging in via SSH (using Putty) to RHEL?

I am running RHEL 7.3, however the procedure may be similar on other Linux systems. I have logged in as root. I have a file called openrc which is full of lines like export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3. I’d like to move this file somewhere so it gets automatically loaded when another user logs in using SSH. Having … Read more

/etc/profile, /etc/bash.basrc, ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc are not read

I am a running “Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS” Linux. I’ve installed/upgrade some packages, but i do not remember exactly which packages. Since this operation, i have lost ls coloration for all users and PS1 environnement variable (except root user). I have added some echo in this files: /etc/profile /etc/bash.basrc ~/.profile ~/.bashrc They are not read when … Read more

Global use of ‘aliases’ on Debian 10

I’ve been trying to add global use of aliases on my Debian 10 instance with no luck. What I’ve already attempted is adding my aliases to /etc/bash.bashrc as well as adding this snippet to /etc/profile to source it without it working. if [ -f /etc/bash.bashrc ]; then . /etc/bash.bashrc fi In my bash.bashrc: #Aliases alias … Read more

Custom bash prompt failing when home directory is remote

0 I am trying to configure a custom prompt for RHEL 8 users. It works very nice when the users have local home directories. However, I’m mounting home directories via pam_mount (nfs4). When ssh’ing to the machine, the prompt I made displays fine. But when opening a terminal in Gnome, the bash is the default … Read more