User profiles as VHDX files – paging operation errors

Hello we have this terminal server on w2k12. Users login and have their profile mounted as virtual disk from VHDX file with filename like this C:\Users\Public\Documents\RDS_UserProfileDisks\UVHD-S-1-5-21-3626241538-2602771230-459845379-52949.vhdx I can see these as “user disk” with blue icons in disk management. We started to get incidents from our monitoring related to eventlogs An error was detected on … Read more

Azure: How to attach data-disks on VM startup, formatting if necessary

I want to provision an Azure VM with Terraform and configure it by using a custom AMI created by Packer. I want an attached, snapshotted, managed data-disk. I want to use Oracle Linux 7.4 What is the best way of Ensuring the data-disk is mounted on startup Ensuring that the data-disk is formatted before I … Read more

CHKDSK erases VHDX That threw Corrupted/Unreadable Error

A windows 7 Virtual machine instance running on a windows 12 server had a ‘blue screen of death’ with a REGISTRY_ERROR (Code 51). After several unsuccessful reboots (successfully to safe-mode but could not a safe-mode with networking) a CHKDSK was run on the drive that stored the VirtualMachine’s hard disk (.VHDX) Once CHKDSK ran the … Read more

Azure – Disk Snapshots accumulating and costing. Where do they come from?

I have a storage container in Azure (Premium, LRS, General Purpose v1) which has about 7 disks , 1023 GiB each. Upon reviewing the subscription costs breakdown, half of the cost of this account is from snapshots that are sitting on the underlying VHDs in the vhd container. The snapshots are all created on random … Read more

How to create VHD file fixed size of window 2003 server

I am trying to create a VHD file fixed size of window 2003 R2 server. As Hyper V role and Azure CLI is not supported i am not able to create it. Though Disk2VD creates VHD file but it is dynamic. Can someone tell me how to create VHD file of window 2003 R2 server … Read more

Can a program detect that the drive it’s running on is a locally-mounted but network-stored VHD/VHDX?

This is all in the context of Windows 10, both client and server. Background: Some programs block installation/running on shared network folders. I don’t mean errors due to sharing/file permissions or needing to enable policies in GPO/registry; I mean they outright tell you network installs “won’t work” and then block them, even when using a … Read more