Does using ASCII transfer mode in FTP while transferring files from one linux based system to other linux based system changes LF to CRLF [duplicate]

This question already exists: Line terminators not being converted as desired in ASCII Transfer mode [closed] Closed 7 years ago. Whether using ASCII transfer mode in FTP while transferring files from one linux based system to other linux based system changes LF to CRLF Answer I believe that a ASCII based transfer will allow the … Read more

Incomplete response received from application when non-ascii character in html

I have an Ubuntu 18.04 server with Nginx and Phusion Passenger (non-Rails app) and it is working for websites with ASCII characters in HTML only. But when I put a non-ascii character to the index.erb like á, I get error: Incomplete response received from application My locale is: LANG=C.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=C.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE=”C.UTF-8″ LC_NUMERIC=”C.UTF-8″ LC_TIME=”C.UTF-8″ LC_COLLATE=”C.UTF-8″ LC_MONETARY=”C.UTF-8″ … Read more

List all files with corrupt filenames recursively

I’ve got a Linux server with some directories and files structure on it. Apparently somehow someone uploaded a bunch of filenames, which got corrupted. Consider the following example: └── parent ├── foo1.jpg ├── f+�o2.jpg └── foo+�.html There are about 1000 files and directories, so manual fixing is not really a good option. Is there a … Read more

LINUX: Can a file which is shown as ASCII text contain UTF-8 data

Version of LINUX Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 I need to confirm if an extract from a database has correctly output data with UTF-8 encoding. I created the file using the mechanism specified by the database vendor, but when I did $ file extract.txt it returned ASCII text, with very long lines However … Read more


I have problem with authenticating users over LDAP (Active Directory) Windows 2008 R2 on IBM XIV. After troubleshooting I’ve find out problems caused by polish letters in CommonName (distinguishedName contain CN) Users without polish letters in CN works fine. here output XCLI Session XIV with login without polish chars CN XIV>> ldap_test password=p4ssword Command … Read more

XenServer 6.0.2 path to installation media contains non-ascii characters

XenServer 6.0.2 install fails no matter what I do. I have confirmed that the md5 checksum on my ISO file is good. I tried installing from a mounted ISO file (remotely via iKVM). I tried installing from physical media. I tried installing from a bootable USB stick (using syslinux + contents of the ISO) All … Read more