How do I install latest version of ANT on CentOS 5 x64 [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 9 years ago. Improve this question I’ve installed ANT via yum but it’s to old of a version. Not sure how to install it on it’s own. Answer As … Read more

Access violation at address in module “ANTserver.exe”

I’m getting this error whenever a user attempts to connect to an ANT server… Exception EAccessViolation raised in ReadRequest: Access violation at address 00071F40 in module ‘ANTserver.exe’. Read of address 00000000 Answer Ended up being a corrupt login.xml. Removed the file and it regenerated. AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : Benjamin Bryan , Answer … Read more

I want to deploy my php based web application with apache-ant. How can I do that?

I googled it. But unfortunately did not get the specific answer. I am a fan of command line and typing. So now, I want to deploy my php based web application with apache-ant. How can I do that? Also I want to practice these deployment in my local pc. Is it possible? Phing is there … Read more

Ant task to pre-compile JSPs on weblogic server

I am trying to create an ant task to compile JSPs. Here are the excerpts from the build.xml related to the task: …. <fileset dir=”${java.home}/lib”> <include name=”tools.jar”/> </fileset> <java classname=”weblogic.jspc” fork=”yes”> <classpath refid=”weblogic.jsp.classpath” /> <sysproperty key=”” value=”false”/> <arg line=”-forceGeneration -keepgenerated -compileAll -webapp ${jsp.src.dir} -d ${jsp.generated.src.dir}”/> </java> When I try to run wl.jsp.generate task, I get: … Read more

Postfix able to receive email but not able to send it

I had postfix running on my machine(comes with centos minimal), but today I configured it to use my domain for the sake of example this is my domain name . Here is my config : alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases command_directory = /usr/sbin config_directory = /etc/postfix daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix data_directory = /var/lib/postfix debug_peer_level … Read more

How to increase heap size for when deploying on WebSphere 8.5 (64-bit Linux)

TL;DR — How do I give and/or the <wsInstallApp> task more heap at runtime? I am attempting to deploy a relatively large (~160-MB) EAR file to WebSphere 8.5 running on a 64-bit Linux platform. Here is the task I have in my build.xml: <wsInstallApp ear=”/my/ear/file/location/New.EAR” properties=”” options=”-appname myNewEarApp -update -deployws” host=”localhost” conntype=”SOAP” user=”the_username” password=”not_telling_you” … Read more

FTP automate download process not working on windows

I have my script as following: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <project name=”Getting from FTP” default=”info” basedir=”.”> <target name=”info”> <property name=”testfolder” value=”My\Test\Folder\Path” /> <echo>Hello World – Welcome to Apache Ant!</echo> <echo>Java version: ${}</echo> <echo>Ant Version: ${ant.version}</echo> <echo>Base Dir: “${basedir}”</echo> <mkdir dir=”${testfolder}\ant-test”/> <classpath> <fileset dir=”${basedir}” includes=”*.jar” /> </classpath> <ftp action=”get” server=”my.server.location.somewhere” userid=”username” password=”password” remotedir=”/path/on/my/server” verbose=”yes” > <fileset dir=”${testfolder}\ant-test”> … Read more